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Titel Scaling and non-scaling methods for the downscaling and disaggregation of temporal rainfall
VerfasserIn Martino Boni, Stefano Zanetti, Marco Marani
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2010
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 12 (2010)
Datensatznummer 250033920
Theoretical and observational descriptions of the temporal structure of rainfall as a function of the aggregation scale are important both conceptually and operationally. For example, disaggregation and downscaling methods, which preserve large scale means exactly and in the ensemble mean respectively, require a detailed knowledge of how rainfall statistics change with the temporal scale. Non-scaling scale relations, which imply a non-power-law form of the second order moment, are reviewed and are applied to a wide data set representative of different rainfall regimes. Scaling approaches to downscaling and disaggregation are also explored, based on canonical and microcanonical cascades. Additionally, a 'hybrid' method, which uses a non-scaling method to estimate the second order moment at small scales to be imposed in the calibration of a cascade model, is also developed and implemented. The scaling, non-scaling, and hybrid methods for disaggregation/downscaling are comparatively considered and applied to determine their relative merits and performance.