Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Zagorsek, Kamil', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 20
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P.S.642,40.231 Eocene Bryozoa from Hungary: (part I. Localities and discussions, part II. Systematic palaeontology) Zagorsek, Kamil; Kázmér, Miklós In: Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg (CFS)
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P.S.1303,80.66.3/4 Bryozoa from the Langhian (Miocene) of the Czech Republic: Part II: Systematic description of the suborder Ascophora Levinsen, 1909 and paleoecological reconstruction of the studied paleoenvironment Zagorsek, Kamil In: Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae: Series B - Historiae Naturalis
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P.S.1303,80.66.1/2 Bryozoa from the Langhian (Miocene) of the Czech Republic: Part I: Geology of the studied sections, systematic description of the orders Cyclostomata, Ctenostomata and "Anascan" Cheilostomata (suborders Malacostega Levinsen, 1902 and Flustrina Smitt, 1868) Zagorsek, Kamil In: Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae: Series B - Historiae Naturalis
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15656,40 Bryozoan Studies 2019: Proceedings of the eightennth International Bryozoology Association Conference Liberec, Czech Republic, 16th to 21st June 2019 Wyse Jackson, Patrick; Zagorsek, Kamil |
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P.S.1039,40.2010.4 Development of Miocene bryozoans in North-South transect through the Paratethys Zagorsek, Kamil In: 15th International Conference International Bryozoology Association (IBA) Kiel (Germany) August 2 - 6, 2010 Institut für Geowissenschaften Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel: Program and Abstracts Schriften der GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung ; 2010.4
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P.S.1856,80.2003 Contribution to the knowledge of some cyclostomatous Bryozoa from the Eocene of the Molasse Zone (Salzburg, Austria) Zagorsek, Kamil In: Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie: Monatshefte ; 2003
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P.S.129,80.142 A New Method for the Extraction of Bryozoans from Hard Rocks from the Eocene of Austria Zagorsek, Kamil; Vavra, Norbert In: Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt ; 142.2
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P.S.1242,80.54 Cretaceous Bryozoa from Scharrergraben (Santonian, Gosau Group, Eastern Alps) Zagorsek, Kamil; Kroh, Andreas In: Geologica Carpathica ; 54
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P.S.1986,80.A.36 Bryozoan fauna from Steinebrunn (Lower Austria, Badenian) - a revision to establish a basis for comparisons with Moravian faunas Zagorsek, Kamil; Vavra, Norbert In: Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Upper Tertiary May 31, 2007 Brno, Czech Republic
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P.S.641,40.28 Upper Eocene Bryozoa from Waschberg Zone (Austria) Zagorsek, Kamil In: Beiträge zur Paläontologie ; 28
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P.S.641,40.27 Eine ungewöhnliche lichenopore Bryozoe aus dem Karpatium des Korneuburger Beckens (Untermiozän, Österreich) Kleemann, Karl; Zagorsek, Kamil In: Das Karpat des Korneuburger Beckens: Teil 2
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34959,80-Per.14 Upper Eocene Bryozoa from the Alpine Foreland Basin in Salzburg, Austria (Borehole Helmberg-1) Zagorsek, Kamil In: Paleogene of the Eastern Alps
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P.S.1161,40.3 Pannonian Vienna Basin - eustasy, sequence stratigraphy and deltaic sedimentation Kovac, Michal; Baráth, Ivan; Hudackova, N.; Kovacova, M.; Pipik, R.; Zagorsek, K. In: 18th IAS Regional European Meeting of Sedimentology, Heidelberg, September 2 - 4, 1997: Abstracts
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P.S.1463,80.56.2 Local catastrophe caused by tephra input near Premyslovice (Moravia, Czech Republic) during the Middle Miocene Zagorsek, Kamil; Nehyba, Slavomir; Tomanova Petrova, Pavla; Hladilova, Sarka; Bitner, Maria Aleksandra; Dolakova, Nela; Hrabovsky, Juraj; Jaskova, Vladimira In: Geological Quarterly ; 56.2
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P.S.839,80.102.1 Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Early to Middle Miocene Central Paratethys using stable isotopes from bryozoan skeletons Key, Marcus M.; Zagorsek, Kamil; Patterson, William P. In: International Journal of Earth Sciences ; 102.1-4
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P.S.1436,40.4.2 Devinska Kobyla - a window into the Middle Miocene shallow-water marine environments of the Central Paratethys (Vienna Basin, Slovakia) Hyžný, Matúš; Hudáčková, Natália; Biskupic, Radoslav; Rybár, Samuel; Fuksi, Tomáš; Halasova, Eva; Zagorsek, Kamil; Jamrich, Michal; Ledvak, Peter In: AGEOS: Acta Geologica Slovaca ; 4.2
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P.S.1854,80.260 Cryptostome bryozoan Stictoporella simplex (POCTA, 1894) from the Silurian of Bohemia Ernst, Andrej; Manda, S.; Zagorsek, K. In: Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie: Abhandlungen ; 260
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P.S.1303,80.68.1/2 The Priabonian bryozoan-decapod association from the Borove Formation (the Durkovec quarry, NE Slovakia) and its palaeoecological implications Hyžný, Matúš; Zagorsek, Kamil In: Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae: Series B - Historiae Naturalis ; 68.1/2
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P.S.1728,80.45.4 Foraminifery, ostrakody a machovky z okolia Devinskej Novej Vsi a Zahorskej Bystrice (slovenska cast Viedenskej panvy) Zlinska, Adriena; Zorn, Irene; Zagorsek, Kamil In: Mineralia slovaca ; 45.4
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SE 16215-A Vrchnobadenske sedimenty okolia Bratislavy (Viedenska Panva) Zlinska, Adriena; Zagorsek, Kamil; Zorn, Irene In: Geologicke vyzkumy na Morave a ve Slezsku ; 20.1/2
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Zagorsek, Kamil', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 20