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Titel |
Analysis of avalanche risk factors in backcountry terrain based on usage frequency and accident data in Switzerland |
VerfasserIn |
F. Techel, B. Zweifel, K. Winkler |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Digitales Dokument |
Erschienen |
In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences ; 15, no. 9 ; Nr. 15, no. 9 (2015-09-09), S.1985-1997 |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
copernicus.org/nhess-15-1985-2015.pdf |
Zusammenfassung |
Recreational activities in snow-covered mountainous terrain in the
backcountry account for the vast majority of avalanche accidents. Studies
analyzing avalanche risk mostly rely on accident statistics without
considering exposure (or the elements at risk), i.e., how many, when and
where people are recreating, as data on recreational activity in the winter
mountains are scarce. To fill this gap, we explored volunteered geographic
information on two social media mountaineering websites –
bergportal.ch and camptocamp.org. Based on these data, we present
a spatiotemporal pattern of winter backcountry touring activity in the Swiss
Alps and compare this with accident statistics. Geographically, activity was
concentrated in Alpine regions relatively close to the main Swiss population
centers in the west and north. In contrast, accidents occurred equally often
in the less-frequented inner-alpine regions. Weekends, weather and avalanche
conditions influenced the number of recreationists, while the odds to be
involved in a severe avalanche accident did not depend on weekends or weather
conditions. However, the likelihood of being involved in an accident
increased with increasing avalanche danger level, but also with a more
unfavorable snowpack containing persistent weak layers (also referred to as
an old snow problem). In fact, the most critical situation for backcountry
recreationists and professionals occurred on days and in regions when both
the avalanche danger was critical and when the snowpack contained persistent
weak layers. The frequently occurring geographical pattern of a more
unfavorable snowpack structure also explains the relatively high proportion
of accidents in the less-frequented inner-alpine regions. These results have
practical implications: avalanche forecasters should clearly communicate the
avalanche danger and the avalanche problem to the backcountry user,
particularly if persistent weak layers are of concern. Professionals and
recreationists, on the other hand, require the expertise to adjust the
planning of a tour and their backcountry travel behavior depending on the
avalanche danger and the avalanche
problem. |
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