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Floating stones off El Hierro, Canary Islands: xenoliths of pre-island sedimentary origin in the early products of the October 2011 eruption
Troll, V. R.; Klügel, A.; Longpré, M.-A.; Burchardt, S.; Deegan, F. M.; Carracedo, J. C.; Wiesmaier, S.; Kueppers, U.; Dahren, B.; Blythe, L. S.; Hansteen, T. H.; Freda, C.; Budd, D. A.; Jolis, E. M.; Jonsson, E.; Meade, F. C.; Harris, C.; Berg, S. E.; Mancini, L.; Polacci, M.; Pedroza, K.
In: Solid Earth ; 3, no. 1
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Corrigendum to "Floating stones off El Hierro, Canary Islands: xenoliths of pre-island sedimentary origin in the early products of the October 2011 eruption" published in Solid Earth, 3, 97–110, 2012
Troll, V. R.; Klügel, A.; Longpré, M.-A.; Burchardt, S.; Deegan, F. M.; Carracedo, J. C.; Wiesmaier, S.; Kueppers, U.; Dahren, B.; Blythe, L. S.; Hansteen, T. H.; Freda, C.; Budd, D. A.; Jolis, E. M.; Jonsson, E.; Meade, F. C.; Harris, C.; Berg, S. E.; Mancini, L.; Polacci, M.; Pedroza, K.
In: Solid Earth ; 3, no. 2
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Rifting, landsliding and magmatic variability in the Canary Islands
Carracedo, J. C.; Troll, V. R.; Guillou, H.; Badiola, E. R.; Pérez-Torrado, F. J.; Wiesmaier, S.; Delcamp, A.; Gonzalez, A. R.
In: GRA - Volume 11
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Crystallinity-vesicularity interrelation in silicic pyroclasts - Neutron and X-Ray Computed Tomography constraints on magma permeability
Wiesmaier, S.; Scheu, B.; Hess, K.-U.; Schillinger, B.; Flaws, A.; Dingwell, D. B.
In: GRA - Volume 14
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Bimodality of lavas in the Teide-Pico Viejo succession in Tenerife - The role of crustal melting in the origin of recent phonolites
Wiesmaier, S.; Troll, V. R.; Carracedo, J. C.; Ellam, R. M.; Bindeman, I.; Wolff, J. A.
In: GRA - Volume 14
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Magma mixing enhanced by bubble segregation
Wiesmaier, S.; Morgavi, D.; Renggli, C. J.; Perugini, D.; De Campos, C. P.; Hess, K.-U.; Ertel-Ingrisch, W.; Lavallée, Y.; Dingwell, D. B.
In: Solid Earth ; 6, no. 3