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The polyphase tectonic history along the eastern Periadriatic Lineament south of Maria Elend in the Karavank Mountains
Gawlick, Hans-Jürgen; Missoni, Sigrid; Auer, M.; Schlagintweit, Felix; Suzuki, Hisashi; Weyer, D.
In: PANGEO Austria 2006, Innsbruck, 17. - 20.September 2006
2 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   SE 4530-A
Global time scale and regional stratigraphic reference scales of Central and West Europe, East Europe, Tethys, South China, and North America as used in the Devonian-Carboniferous-Permian Correlation Chart 2003 (DCP 2003)
Menning, Manfred; Alekseev, A. S.; Chuvashov, B. I.; Davydov, V. I.; Devuyst, F.-X.; Forke, Holger C.; Grunt, Tat'jana Aleksandrovna; Hance, Luc; Heckel, Philip H.; Izokh, N. G.; Jin, Y.-G.; Jones, P. J.; Kotlyar, G. V.; Kozur, Heinz W.; Nemyrovska, Tamara I.; Schneider, J. W.; Wang, X.- D.; Weddige, K.; Weyer, D.; Work, D. M.
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology ; 240