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1 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   15897,40-Per.2017
Patterns of large landslides in the Alps: Comparing the timing of the Marocche di Dro events
Ivy-Ochs, Susan; Martin, S.; Campedel, Paolo; Hippe, Kristina; Vockenhuber, Christof; Rigo, Manuel; Vigano, Alfio
In: Annual Report 2017 Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics
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On the Spatial organization of mass wasting initiation and deposition and about some missing features in landscape evolution models
Rigon, Riccardo; Lanni, Cristiano; Vigano, Alfio
In: GRA - Volume 12
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The geoelectrical survey: a powerful tool for the identification of fault zones
Mazzalai, Lorenzo; Boaga, Jacopo; Rossi, Matteo; Martin, Silvana; Cassiani, Giorgio; Vigano, Alfio
In: GRA - Volume 15
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The Pietra Grande thrust (Brenta Dolomites, Italy): looking for co-seismic indicators along a main fault in carbonate sequences
Vigano, Alfio; Tumiati, Simone; Martin, Silvana; Rigo, Manuel
In: GRA - Volume 15
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Friction coefficient of faults inferred from earthquake focal mechanisms
Vigano, Alfio; Ranalli, Giorgio; Andreis, Daniele; Martin, Silvana; Rigon, Riccardo
In: GRA - Volume 15
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Crustal structure, seismicity and seismotectonics of the Trentino region (Southern Alps, Italy)
Vigano, Alfio; Scafidi, Davide; Martin, Silvana; Spallarossa, Daniele; Froner, Luca; Groaz, Oscar
In: GRA - Volume 15
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Comparing seismic tomographic images from automatically- and manually-detected arrival times
Spallarossa, Daniele; Scafidi, Davide; Turino, Chiara; Ferretti, Gabriele; Vigano, Alfio
In: GRA - Volume 15
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The Marocche rock avalanches (Trentino, Italy)
Ivy-Ochs, Susan; Martin, Silvana; Campedel, Paolo; Vigano, Alfio; Alberti, Silvio; Rigo, Manuel; Vockenhuber, Christof
In: GRA - Volume 17
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The integration of stress, strain, and seismogenic fault data: towards more robust estimates of the earthquake potential in Italy and its surroundings
Caporali, Alessandro; Braitenberg, Carla; Burrato, Pierfrancesco; Carafa, Michele; Di Giovambattista, Rita; Gentili, Stefania; Mariucci, Maria Teresa; Montone, Paola; Morsut, Federico; Nicolini, Luca; Pivetta, Tommaso; Roselli, Pamela; Rossi, Giuliana; Valensise, Gian Luca; Vigano, Alfio
In: GRA - Volume 18