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Reactivation of Pan-African structures during the opening of the proto Indian Ocean
Emmel, B.; Jacobs, J.; Ueda, K.; Jöns, N.; Lisker, F.
In: GRA - Volume 11
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Differential decay of the East-African Antarctic Orogen : an integrated examination of Northeastern Mozambique
Ueda, K.; Jacobs, J.; Emmel, B.; Thomas, R. J.; Matola, R.
In: GRA - Volume 11
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Application of a global nonhydrostatic model with a stretched-grid system to regional aerosol simulations around Japan
Goto, D.; Dai, T.; Satoh, M.; Tomita, H.; Uchida, J.; Misawa, S.; Inoue, T.; Tsuruta, H.; Ueda, K.; Ng, C. F. S.; Takami, A.; Sugimoto, N.; Shimizu, A.; Ohara, T.; Nakajima, T.
In: Geoscientific Model Development ; 8, no. 2