Titel |
Statistical interpolation of ozone measurements from satellite data (TOMS, SBUV and SAGE II) using the kriging method |
VerfasserIn |
B. J. S. Tranchant, A. P. Vincent |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Digitales Dokument |
Erschienen |
In: Annales Geophysicae ; 18, no. 6 ; Nr. 18, no. 6, S.666-678 |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
copernicus.org/angeo-18-666-2000.pdf |
Zusammenfassung |
This study demonstrates that ordinary kriging
in spherical coordinates using experimental semi-variograms provides highly
usable results, especially near the pole in winter and/or where there could be
data missing over large areas. In addition, kriging allows display of the
spatial variability of daily ozone measurements at different pressure levels.
Three satellite data sets were used: Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS)
data, Solar Backscattered UltraViolet (SBUV), and the Stratospheric Aerosol and
Gas Experiment (SAGE II) ozone profiles. Since SBUV is a nadir-viewing
instrument, measurements are only taken along the sun-synchronous polar orbits
of the satellite. SAGE II is a limb-viewing solar occultation instrument, and
measurements have high vertical resolution but poor daily coverage. TOMS has
wider coverage with equidistant distribution of data
(resolution 1° × 1.25°) but provides no vertical
information. Comparisons of the resulting SBUV-interpolated (column-integrated)
ozone field with TOMS data are strongly in agreement, with a global correlation
of close to 98%. Comparisons of SBUV-interpolated ozone profiles with daily SAGE
II profiles are relatively good, and comparable to those found in the
literature. The interpolated ozone layers at different pressure levels are
Key words: Atmospheric composition and structure
(middle atmosphere - composition and chemistry) - Meteorology and atmospheric
dynamics (middle atmosphere dynamics) |
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