Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Tomek, C.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 31
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P.S.1835,80.297 PANCARDI: The Lithospheric Structure and Evolution of the Pannonian/Carpathian/Dinaride Region: Selected papers from the PANCARDI Workshop 1996 "Dynamics of the Pannonian-Carpathian-Dinaride System", held in Lindabrunn, Austria, 23 - 29 September 1996 Decker, Kurt; Lillie, Robert; Tomek, Cestmir In: Tectonophysics International Lithosphere Programme Contribution
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P.S.1842,80.65 Eastern Mediterranean Ophiolites: Magmatic Processes and Geodynamic Implications: Proceedings on the Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Ophiolites: Magmatic Processes and Geodynamic Implications;Held at the 10th Meeting of the European Union of Geosciences, Strasbourg, France, 28 March - 1 April, 1999 Hoeck, Volker; Robertson, A. H. F.; Koller, F.; Tomek, C. In: Lithos ; 65
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40028,80.1 Interpretation of seismic reflection data from the Vienna basin, the Danube basin, and the Transcarpathian depression in Czechoslovakia Tomek, Cestmir; Dvorakova, Libuse; Ibrmayer, Ivan; Sedla, Petr In: VIIIth Congress of the Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy: Symposium on European Late Cenozoic Mineral Resources 15-22 September, 1985 Budapest: Abstracts
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15816,40 Workshop on Cretaceous and Tertiary Geodynamics of the ABCD Region: Programme and Abstracts, January 10 - 11, 2003 Neubauer, Franz; Tomek, Cestmir; Europäische Wissenschaftsstiftung |
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16345,40 Gemeinschaftsexkursion der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft und des Instituts für Geologie und Paläontologie der Univ. Salzburg: Die Kontinentale Tiefbohrung in Nordostbayern und ihr geologisches Umfeld: vom 15. bis 18. Mai 1994 Hejl, Ewald; Höck, Volker; Tomek, C. |
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P.S.1039,40.2000.1 40Ar/39Ar-dating of detrital white mica from pre-, syn- and postorogenic sandstones in the Moravo-Silesian Basin, Czech Republic Schneider, Detlef; Handler, Robert; Tomek, Cestmir; Kalvoda, Jiri; Neubauer, Franz In: Geology 2000: Vienna, April 14-17, 2000: Geopotential - Sustainable Development, Alps - Carpathians, Orogens - Basins: Programme, Abstracts, List of Participants
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P.S.732,80.148 100 Years after Pierre Termier's discovery of the Tauern Window: what lesson should we learn? Höck, Volker; Tomek, C. In: MinPet 2003: 15-21. September 2003 Neukirchen am Grossvenediger/Salzburg: Abstracts
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P.S.732,80.148 Recent state of knowledge of the deep structure of the Eastern Alps: A review Tomek, C.; Brückl, Ewald; Höck, Volker In: MinPet 2003: 15-21. September 2003 Neukirchen am Grossvenediger/Salzburg: Abstracts
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P.S.732,80.139 Deep seismic reflection line 8HR through the Svratka Window, Eastern Margin of the Bohemian Massif Tomek, C.; Höck, Volker In: Pre-Alpine Crust in Austria: Final Conference of the National Research Project S 47 - GEO held from April 6th to 10th 1994 in Krems, Lower Austria
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P.S.732,80.139 Are the Moravian Windows Permian large-scale folds? Tomek, C.; Höck, Volker; Leichmann, Jaromir In: Pre-Alpine Crust in Austria: Final Conference of the National Research Project S 47 - GEO held from April 6th to 10th 1994 in Krems, Lower Austria
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P.S.867,40.A.52 Deformation partitioning in the oblique convergent zone of the Eastern Alpine-Western Carpathian junction Fodor, László; Krejčí, Oldřich; Stranik, Zdenek; Tomek, Cestmir In: 4th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies 21-24 September 1999, Tübingen (Germany)
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P.S.287,40.50 Evolution of the Vienna Basin at northeastern corner of the Eastern Alps Tomek, Cestmir In: Memorie di scienze geologiche ; 50
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P.S.429,40.49 Geometry and sequence of thrusting in the Subalpine Molasse of western Austria and Bavaria Ortner, Hugo; Thöny, Wolfgang; Eichholzer, S.; Zerlauth, Michael; Pilser, Roland; Tomek, Cestmir In: Pangeo 2008: Abstracts, Kurzfassungen
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P.S.429,40.43 40Ar/39Ar dating of detrital white mica from sandstones in the Moravo-Silesian basin, Czech Republic Schneider, Detlef; Handler, Robert; Tomek, C.; Kalvoda, J.; Neubauer, Franz In: Sediment 2000: Kurzfassungen - Abstracts
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P.S.1406,80.42 Whole rock geochemistry and detrial mode analysis of sandstones from the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif (Moravo-Silesian Zone, Czech Republic) Schneider, Detlef; Handler, Robert; Neubauer, Franz; Kalvoda, Jiri; Tomek, Cestmir In: Acta Universitatis Carolinae: Geologica ; 42
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P.S.429,40.41 The complex evolution of the Western Outer Carpathians: implications of flexure- and gravity modelling Zoetemeijer, Reini; Tomek, Cestmir; Cloetingh, Sierd In: Dynamics of the Pannonian-Carpathian-Dinaride System: PANCARDI Workshop 1996
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9067,40.1 Oblique Neogene Subduction of the European Plate Beneath the Vienna Basin Tomek, Cestmir; Hall, Jerenny In: International Conference Male Karpaty Mts.: Geology of the Alpine - Carpathian Junction: Abstracts
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8366,40 Czechoslovak-Austrian cooperation in geophysical structural exploration in the Vienna Basin Cekan, V.; Kocak, A.; Tomek, Cestmir; Wessely, Godfrid; Zych, Diethard In: Thirty Years of Geological Cooperation between Austria and Czechoslovakia
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8366,40 The Miroslav Horst - Moldanubian Klippe or Autochthonous Massif Tomek, Cestmir In: Thirty Years of Geological Cooperation between Austria and Czechoslovakia
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12184,40 Intraplate volcanism in Western Bohemian Massif - Isotopic characteristics Ladenberger, Anna; Peate, David W.; Tomek, Cestmir; Michalek, Marek In: The Nordic Countries invite you to the 33rd IGC International Geological Congress Oslo 2008: Abstracts österreichischer Autorinnen und Autoren
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Tomek, C.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 31