Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Tørseth, K.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 6
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Arctic smoke – record high air pollution levels in the European Arctic due to agricultural fires in Eastern Europe in spring 2006 Stohl, A.; Berg, T.; Burkhart, J. F.; Fjǽraa, A. M.; Forster, C.; Herber, A.; Hov, O.; Lunder, C.; McMillan, W. W.; Oltmans, S.; Shiobara, M.; Simpson, D.; Solberg, S.; Stebel, K.; Ström, J.; Tørseth, K.; Treffeisen, R.; Virkkunen, K.; Yttri, K. E. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 7, no. 2
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Coherent responses of sulphate concentration in Norwegian lakes: relationships with sulphur deposition and climate indices Dillon, P. J.; Skjelkvåle, B. L.; Somers, K. M.; Tørseth, K. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences ; 7, no. 4
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Elemental and organic carbon in PM10: a one year measurement campaign within the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme EMEP Yttri, K. E.; Aas, W.; Bjerke, A.; Cape, J. N.; Cavalli, F.; Ceburnis, D.; Dye, C.; Emblico, L.; Facchini, M. C.; Forster, C.; Hanssen, J. E.; Hansson, H. C.; Jennings, S. G.; Maenhaut, W.; Putaud, J. P.; Tørseth, K. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 7, no. 22
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Regional aerosol optical properties and radiative impact of the extreme smoke event in the European Arctic in spring 2006 Lund Myhre, C.; Toledano, C.; Myhre, G.; Stebel, K.; Yttri, K. E.; Aaltonen, V.; Johnsrud, M.; Frioud, M.; Cachorro, V.; Frutos, A.; Lihavainen, H.; Campbell, J. R.; Chaikovsky, A. P.; Shiobara, M.; Welton, E. J.; Tørseth, K. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 7, no. 22
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Determination of time- and height-resolved volcanic ash emissions and their use for quantitative ash dispersion modeling: the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption Stohl, A.; Prata, A. J.; Eckhardt, S.; Clarisse, L.; Durant, A.; Henne, S.; Kristiansen, N. I.; Minikin, A.; Schumann, U.; Seibert, P.; Stebel, K.; Thomas, H. E.; Thorsteinsson, T.; Tørseth, K.; Weinzierl, B. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 11, no. 9
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Introduction to the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) and observed atmospheric composition change during 1972-2009 Tørseth, K.; Aas, W.; Breivik, K.; Fjǽraa, A. M.; Fiebig, M.; Hjellbrekke, A. G.; Lund Myhre, C.; Solberg, S.; Yttri, K. E. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 12, no. 12
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Tørseth, K.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 6