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Heavy metal input to agricultural soils from irrigation with treated wastewater: Insight from Pb isotopes
Kloppmann, Wolfram; Cary, Lise; Psarras, Georgios; Surdyk, Nicolas; Chartzoulakis, Kostas; Pettenati, Marie; Maton, Laure
In: GRA - Volume 12
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Implementation of agronomical and geochemical modules into a 3D groundwater code for assessing nitrate storage and transport through unconfined Chalk aquifer
Picot-Colbeaux, Géraldine; Devau, Nicolas; Thiéry, Dominique; Pettenati, Marie; Surdyk, Nicolas; Parmentier, Marc; Amraoui, Nadia; Crastes de Paulet, François; André, Laurent
In: GRA - Volume 18
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Improving the consideration of hydrogeological characteristics to assess the contamination groundwater by pesticides at national scale (France)
Auterives, Chrystelle; Baran, Nicole; Surdyk, Nicolas
In: GRA - Volume 19