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Autoclaving as a mean of modifying the soil wettability characteristics
Urbanek, Emilia; Bodi, Merche; Shakesby, Rick; Doerr, Stefan
In: GRA - Volume 12
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Using rainfall simulation to monitor the effect of fire on overland flow and erosion through time
Ferreira, Carla; Shakesby, Rick; Walsh, Rory; Ferreira, Antonio; Urbanek, Emilia
In: GRA - Volume 12
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Temporal variability and switching dynamics of soil hydrophobicity: fire impacts
Ferreira, Carla; Walsh, Rory; Injai, Mariama; Costa, Mirela; Shakesby, Rick; Ferreira, Antonio
In: GRA - Volume 12
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Carbon sequestration potential of ash deposits from wildfires: the case of the 2009 Black Saturday Fires, Australia
Doerr, Stefan H.; Shakesby, Rick; Bryant, Rob; Santin, Cristina; Smith, Hugh; Sheridan, Gary; Lane, Patrick
In: GRA - Volume 13
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The impact of fire on the spatial and temporal distribution of hydrologic and geomorphologic processes at slope and catchments scales.
Ferreira, Antonio; Shakesby, Rick; Coelho, Celeste; Ferreira, Carla; Bento, Célia; Esteves, Tanya; Carreiras, Manuela
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Towards general models of the three-dimensional occurrence of soil water-repellency, its hydrological significance, temporal dynamics and response to climatic change
Walsh, Rory; Urbanek, Emilia; Ferreira, Carla; Ferreira, Antonio; Shakesby, Rick
In: GRA - Volume 16