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Local and exotic building and decorative stones in historical castles of SW Poland: Results of reconnaissance field inspection
Kryza, Ryszard; Unterwurzacher, Michael; Prell, M.; Dziedzic, M.; Pietrzykowska, K.; Strick, Daniela; Schumacher, Volker; Wilhelm, David
In: Proceedings XX Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association September 24-26, 2014 Tirana, Albania: Special Sessions
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The system of Regional Contact Offices for promoting GMES services and the use of Space Technologies in European Regions.
Carrara, Paola; Antoninetti, Massimo; Bacai, Hina; Basoni, Anna; Bosc, Christelle; Clave, Magali; Cornacchia, Carmela; L'Astorina, Alba; Monbet, Philippe; Mueller, Bastian; Nicolau, Sonia; Pergola, Nicola; Rampini, Anna; Tramutoli, Valerio; Schumacher, Volker; Wells, Alan; Zepeda Juarez, Jesus; Zolotikova, Svetlana
In: GRA - Volume 15