Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Schneider, Simon', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 24
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49309,80 Das Forschungsprogramm Geotechnologien: Mehr wissen - schneller handeln Thurau, Julia; Stroink, Ludwig; Schneider, Simon; Koordinierungsbüro GEOTECHNOLOGIEN; Deutschland / Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft |
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13103,40.2 Field trip guide Molasse Group Meeting 2010 21.-23.05. Pippèrr, Martina; Schneider, Simon; Reichenbacher, Bettina; Böhme, Madelaine; Prieto, Jerome; Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München / GeoBio-Center; Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München / Institut für Paläontologie und Geobiologie; Bayerische Staatssammlung |
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P.S.1255,40.10 Integrated paleoecological approach of the Pliocene at Harokopio and Glykovrysi, S Peleponnese, Greece-implications on the depositional environment based on Foraminifers, Molluscs, Ostracodes, and Fish Assemblages Schneider, Simon; Hochleitner, Rupert; Kriwet, Jürgen; Kussius, K.; Schmid, D. U. In: 75. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Graz, 27. August - 2. September 2005: Beitragskurzfassungen
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12041,40 The macrofaunal assemblages at Gurlarn (Passau area, Lower Bavaria) - An example for a typical near-shore habitat of the early Ottnangian Molasse Sea Schneider, Simon; Berning, Bernd; Bitner, Maria Aleksandra; Carriol, Rene-Pierre; Jäger, Manfred; Kriwet, Jürgen; Kroh, Andreas; Werner, Winfried In: Molasse Meeting 2008 May 16th - 17th Stuttgart: Programme, Abstracts & Field Guide
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P.S.641,40.32 The horns from Ernstbrunn - Composition and palaeoecology of a Tithonian reef-associated lagoonal bivalve community Schneider, Simon; Zuschin, Martin; Harzhauser, Mathias; Kroh, Andreas; Lukeneder, Alexander In: 82. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft in Wien: Abstract Volume
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13672,40.1 The bivalve fauna of the Lower Ottnangian "beach facies" equivalents in Lower Bavaria: Preliminary results Schneider, Simon In: Molasse Tagung 27.-28. April 2012 in Wien: Program & Abstracts
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7741,40-Per.94 The Ernstbrunn Limestone and Klentnice Beds (Kimmeridgian to Berriasian; Waschberg-Zdanice Unit; NE Austria and SE Czech Republic) and their fauna - a tale of giants and dwarfs Schneider, Simon; Harzhauser, Mathias; Kroh, Andreas; Lukeneder, Alexander; Zuschin, Martin In: Österreichische Paläontologische Gesellschaft 18. Jahrestagung in Linz 12. - 13. Oktober 2012: Programm, Vortragskurzfassungen und Exkursionsführer
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P.S.1039,40.2012.3 The Leviathaniidae - the largest pre-Cenozoic gastropods Schneider, Simon; Harzhauser, Mathias In: Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft 24.09. - 29.09.2012 Museum für Naturkunde Berlin: Programme, Abstracts, and Field Guides
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P.S.1039,40.2012.3 Bivalve ecology drives biodiversity - early rudist "reefs" on Tithonian-Berriasian carbonate platforms Schneider, Simon In: Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft 24.09. - 29.09.2012 Museum für Naturkunde Berlin: Programme, Abstracts, and Field Guides
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P.S.935,80.88 Ernstbrunn Limestone and Klentnice beds (Kimmeridgian-Berriasian; Waschberg-Zdanice Unit; NE Austria and SE Czech Republic): state of the art and bibliography Schneider, Simon; Harzhauser, Mathias; Kroh, Andreas; Lukeneder, Alexander; Zuschin, Martin In: Bulletin of Geosciences ; 88
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13884,40 Biotic control of local biodiversity - Jurassic rudist bivalve reefs from the Alpine-Carpathian transition (Talk) Schneider, Simon; Kroh, Andreas; Lukeneder, Alexander In: BioSyst.EU 2013, Global systematics! 18-22 February 2013: Abstract Volume
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P.S.1854,80.268 Preserved colour pattern in Polititapes tricuspis (Eichwald, 1829) (Bivalvia: Veneridae) from the Sarmatian holostratotype at Nexing (Lower Austria) Schneider, Simon; Mandic, Oleg; Harzhauser, Mathias In: Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie: Abhandlungen ; 268
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SE 3473-A First record of an autochthonous community of fluviatile freshwater molluscs from the Middle/Late Miocene Upper Freshwater Molasse (southern Germany) Schneider, Simon; Prieto, Jerome In: Archiv für Molluskenkunde ; 140.1
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P.S.2565,80.2011 Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Mollusken Nützel, Alexander; Moser, Markus; Nose, Martin; Schneider, Simon; Werner, Winfried In: European Classics: Offizieller Katalog der 48. Munich Show - Mineralientage München 28. - 30. Oktober 2011: Edle Gesteine Alpin I
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P.S.1409,80.59 A new family of giant Jurassic-Cretaceous littorinoid gastropods from the northern Tethys shelf Harzhauser, Mathias; Schneider, Simon In: Acta Palaeontologica Polonica ; 59
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P.S.129,80.154 Gastropods of an Ottnangian (Early Miocene) rocky shore in the North Alpine Foreland Basin (Allerding, Austria) Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M.; Mandic, Oleg; Kroh, Andreas; Kuttelwascher, Kaftan; Grunert, Patrick; Schneider, Simon; Danninger, Wolfgang In: Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt ; 154
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P.S.641,40.32 Between the Alb and the Alps - The fauna of the Upper Cretaceous Sandbach Formation (Passau region, southeast Germany) Schneider, Simon; Niebuhr, Birgit; Wilmsen, Markus; Vodrazka, Radek In: 82. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft in Wien: Abstract Volume
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7741,40-Per.120 Biostratigraphy of the Barremian-Aptian (Early Cretaceous) of eastern Greenland Kelly, Simon R. A.; Braham, William; Schneider, Simon In: 10th International Symposium on the Cretaceous, Vienna, August 21–26, 2017 - Abstracts
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7741,40-Per.120 The Rollrock Section - the most comprehensive Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary section of the Canadian Arctic Islands Schneider, Simon; Kelly, Simon R. A.; Chavanne, Alex; Hülse, Peter; Lopez-Mir, Berta In: 10th International Symposium on the Cretaceous, Vienna, August 21–26, 2017 - Abstracts
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P.S.598,40.58-63 Late Miocene biota from the Abad Member of the Carboneras-Nijar Basin (Spain, Andalusia): A bathyal fossil assemblage pre-dating the Messinian salinity crisis Hoffmann, Rene; Bitner, Maria Aleksandra; Pisera, Andrzej; Jäger, Manfred; Auer, Gerald; Giraldo-Gómez, Victor; Koči, Tomás; Buckeridge, John; Mueller, Mathias; Stevens, Kevin; Schneider, Simon In: Geobios ; 59
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Schneider, Simon', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 24