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Modelling the effects of land-use and land-cover change on water availability in the Jordan River region
Menzel, L.; Koch, J.; Onigkeit, J.; Schaldach, R.
In: Transdisciplinary concepts and modelling strategies for the assessment of complex environmental systems
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A model-based assessment of the potential role of irrigated cropland for biogas production in Europe
Schaldach, R.; Flörke, M.; Lapola, D.
In: Transdisciplinary concepts and modelling strategies for the assessment of complex environmental systems
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Modelling historical and current irrigation water demand on the continental scale: Europe
Aus der Beek, T.; Flörke, M.; Lapola, D. M.; Schaldach, R.; Voß, F.; Teichert, E.
In: Hydrologic Modelling for the Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Landscape Functions