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Microseismic activity analysis for the study of the rupture mechanisms in unstable rock masses
Amitrano, D.; Arattano, M.; Chiarle, M.; Mortara, G.; Occhiena, C.; Pirulli, M.; Scavia, C.
In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Science ; 10, no. 4
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Hydrogeological model and hydraulic behaviour of a large landslide in the Italian Western Alps
Pisani, G.; Castelli, M.; Scavia, C.
In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Science ; 10, no. 11
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Analysis of microseismic signals and temperature recordings for rock slope stability investigations in high mountain areas
Occhiena, C.; Coviello, V.; Arattano, M.; Chiarle, M.; Morra di Cella, U.; Pirulli, M.; Pogliotti, P.; Scavia, C.
In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Science ; 12, no. 7
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Variability of the groundwater sulfate concentration in fractured rock slopes: a tool to identify active unstable areas
Binet, S.; Spadini, L.; Bertrand, C.; Guglielmi, Y.; Mudry, J.; Scavia, C.
In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences ; 13, no. 12