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Multispacecraft and simulation study of dayside reconnection using the response of the cusp to variable IMF conditions
Berchem, Jean; Richard, Robert; Escoubet, Philippe; Taylor, Matthew; Lasko, Harri; Masson, Arnaud; Dandouras, Ianis; Rème, Henri; Pitout, Frédéric; Lucek, Elizabeth
In: GRA - Volume 12
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Using simulations and multipoint observations to unravel reconnection topologies and particle injection sources
Berchem, Jean; Richard, Robert; Escoubet, C. Philippe; Taylor, Matthew G. G. T.; Lasko, Harri; Masson, Arnaud; Dandouras, Ianis; Rème, Henri; Pitout, Frédéric; Lucek, Elizabeth
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Plasma transport at the dayside magnetopause: observations and large-scale modeling
Berchem, Jean; Richard, Robert; Escoubet, C. Philippe; Pitout, Frédéric; Taylor, Matthew G.; Laasko, Harri; Masson, Arnaud; Dandouras, Iannis; Rème, Henri
In: GRA - Volume 15
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Cluster observations of two separated cusp populations: double cusp or motion of the cusp?
Escoubet, C.-Philippe; Berchem, Jean; Trattner, Karlheinz; Pitout, Frédéric; Richard, Robert; Taylor, Matt; Soucek, Jan; Grison, Benjamin; Laakso, Harri; Masson, Arnaud; Dunlop, Malcolm; Dandouras, Iannis; Rème, Henri; Fazakerley, Andrew; Daly, Patrick
In: GRA - Volume 15
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Multi-point observations of Ion Dispersions near the Exterior Cusp with Cluster
Escoubet, C.-Philippe; Grison, Benjamin; Berchem, Jean; Trattner, Karlheinz; Pitout, Frédéric; Richard, Robert; Taylor, Matt; Soucek, Jan; Laakso, Harri; Masson, Arnaud; Dunlop, Malcolm; Dandouras, Iannis; Rème, Henri; Fazakerley, Andrew; Daly, Patrick
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Global simulations of the response of the cusp to a large rotation of the IMF
Berchem, Jean; Richard, Robert; Escoubet, Philippe; Pitout, Frédéric; Taylor, Matthew G. G. T.; Laakso, Harri; Masson, Arnaud; Dandouras, Iannis; Rème, Henri
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Cluster Observations of reconnection along the dusk flank of the magnetosphere
Escoubet, C.-Philippe; Grison, Benjamin; Berchem, Jean; Trattner, Karlheinz; Lavraud, Benoit; Pitout, Frédéric; Soucek, Jan; Richard, Robert; Laakso, Harri; Masson, Arnaud; Dunlop, Malcolm; Dandouras, Iannis; Rème, Henri; Fazakerley, Andrew; Daly, Patrick
In: GRA - Volume 17