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SURFATM-NH3: a model combining the surface energy balance and bi-directional exchanges of ammonia applied at the field scale
Personne, E.; Loubet, B.; Herrmann, B.; Mattsson, M.; Schjoerring, J. K.; Nemitz, E.; Sutton, M. A.; Cellier, P.
In: Biogeosciences ; 6, no. 8
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Dynamics of ammonia exchange with cut grassland: synthesis of results and conclusions of the GRAMINAE Integrated Experiment
Sutton, M. A.; Nemitz, E.; Milford, C.; Campbell, C.; Erisman, J. W.; Hensen, A.; Cellier, P.; David, M.; Loubet, B.; Personne, E.; Schjoerring, J. K.; Mattsson, M.; Dorsey, J. R.; Gallagher, M. W.; Horvath, L.; Weidinger, T.; Meszaros, R.; Dämmgen, U.; Neftel, A.; Herrmann, B.; Lehman, B. E.; Flechard, C.; Burkhardt, J.
In: Biogeosciences ; 6, no. 12
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Predicting and partitioning ozone fluxes to maize crops from sowing to harvest: the Surfatm-O3 model
Stella, P.; Personne, E.; Loubet, B.; Lamaud, E.; Ceschia, E.; Beziat, P.; Bonnefond, J. M.; Irvine, M.; Keravec, P.; Mascher, N.; Cellier, P.
In: Biogeosciences ; 8, no. 10
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Investigating the stomatal, cuticular and soil ammonia fluxes over a growing tritical crop under high acidic loads
Loubet, B.; Decuq, C.; Personne, E.; Massad, R. S.; Flechard, C.; Fanucci, O.; Mascher, N.; Gueudet, J.-C.; Masson, S.; Durand, B.; Genermont, S.; Fauvel, Y.; Cellier, P.
In: Biogeosciences ; 9, no. 4
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Advances in understanding, models and parameterizations of biosphere-atmosphere ammonia exchange
Flechard, C. R.; Massad, R.-S.; Loubet, B.; Personne, E.; Simpson, D.; Bash, J. O.; Cooter, E. J.; Nemitz, E.; Sutton, M. A.
In: Biogeosciences ; 10, no. 7