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Geochemical processes governing the compositional features of the crater fumarolic field at Mt. Etna
Liotta, Marcello; Paonita, Antonio; Caracausi, Antonio; Martelli, Mauro; Rizzo, Andrea; Favara, Rocco
In: GRA - Volume 12
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Hydrothermal fluids vented at shallow depths at the Aeolian islands: relationships with volcanic and geothermal systems.
Italiano, Francesco; Caracausi, Antonio; Longo, Manfredi; Maugeri, Roberto; Paonita, Antonio
In: GRA - Volume 12
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Complex degassing processes at Mt Etna as inferred by the geochemistry of peripheral and crateric gas discharges
Paonita, Antonio; Caracausi, Antonio; Martelli, Mauro; Rizzo, Andrea
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Metasomatism and degassing processes in the Hyblean heterogeneous mantle, as inferred from noble gas investigation of ultramafic xenoliths
Correale, Alessandra; Martelli, Mauro; Paonita, Antonio; Rizzo, Andrea; Brusca, Lorenzo; Scribano, Vittorio
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Chlorine isotopic composition of volcanic gases and rocks at Mount Etna (Italy) and inferences on the local mantle source
Rizzo, Andrea Luca; Caracausi, Antonio; Liotta, Marcello; Paonita, Antonio; Barnes, Jaime D.; Corsaro, Rosa Anna; Martelli, Mauro
In: GRA - Volume 15
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The geochemical “crises” at La Fossa crater fumaroles of Vulcano Island (Italy): inferences on the dynamics, structure, and compositions of the magmatic system
Paonita, Antonio; Federico, Cinzia; Bonfanti, Piero; Capasso, Giorgio; Inguaggiato, Salvatore; Italiano, Franco; Madonia, Paolo; Pecoraino, Guendalina; Sortino, Francesco
In: GRA - Volume 15
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The geochemistry of gas emissions as a tool to unravel the magma dynamics at Mt Etna (Italy)
Caracausi, Antonio; Martelli, Mauro; Paonita, Antonio; Rizzo, Andrea Luca
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Real-time measurements of chemical and isotope composition of atmospheric and volcanic CO2 at Mt. Etna (Italy)
Rizzo, Andrea L.; Jost, Hans-Jürg; Caracausi, Antonio; Paonita, Antonio; Liotta, Marcello; Martelli, Mauro
In: GRA - Volume 16
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CO2 Source Identification from a Laser Based, Mobile Isotope Ratio Infrared Spectrometer
Jost, Hansjuerg; Wapelhorst, Eric; Schlueter, Hans-Juergen; Kracht, Oliver; Radke, Jens; Hilkert, Andreas; Caracausi, Antonio; Paonita, Antonio
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Periodic input of primitive magmas in a complex plumbing system revealed by noble gas geochemistry: the case of Mt Etna (Italy)
Paonita, Antonio; Caracausi, Antonio; Martelli, Mauro; Rizzo, Andrea
In: GRA - Volume 17
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Carbon-isotope investigation in fluid inclusions of ultramafic xenoliths from Hyblean Plateau (Sicily, Italy): a signature influenced by mantle heterogeneity.
Correale, Alessandra; Paonita, Antonio; Rizzo, Andrea; Grassa, Fausto; Martelli, Mauro
In: GRA - Volume 17
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Revealing the magmas degassing below closed-conduit active volcanoes: noble gases in volcanic rocks versus fumarolic fluids at Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy)
Mandarano, Michela; Paonita, Antonio; Martelli, Mauro; Viccaro, Marco; Nicotra, Eugenio; Millar, Ian L.
In: GRA - Volume 18
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Quantitative assessment of magmatic refill and overpressure in crustal reservoirs by monitoring He isotope composition from volcanic gases: the case of Mt Etna (Italy)
Paonita, Antonio; Caracausi, Antonio; Martelli, Mauro; Rizzo, Andrea
In: GRA - Volume 18
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Degassing of different magma batches as the main controlling factor for fumarolic fluid chemistry at the Planchón-Peteroa-Azufre Volcanic Complex (Argentina-Chile) in 2010-2015
Tassi, Franco; Aguilera, Felipe; Benavente, Oscar; Paonita, Antonio; Chiodini, Giovanni; Caliro, Stefano; Agusto, Mariano; Gutiérrez, Francisco; Capaccioni, Bruno; Vaselli, Orlando; Caselli, Alberto
In: GRA - Volume 18
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A geochemical study of alkaline and tholeitic lavas from the Hyblean Plateau (Italy): inferences from noble gases, trace elements and Sr-Nd isotopes
Correale, Alessandra; Martelli, Mauro; Paonita, Antonio; Rizzo, Andrea Luca; Scribano, Vittorio; Arienzo, Ilenia
In: GRA - Volume 19