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First paleoseismological assessment of active deformation along the eastern front of the southern Alps (NE Italy, Friuli). Insights on the 1511 earthquake causative fault.
Falcucci, Emanuela; Poli, Maria Eliana; Galadini, Fabrizio; Paiero, Giovanni; Scardia, Giancarlo; Zanferrari, Adriano
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Field experiments and numerical simulations of phreatic aquifer response to pond infiltration at the eastern Alps foothills, Italy
Teatini, Pietro; Comerlati, Andrea; Paiero, Giovanni; Martelli, Grazia; Carvalho, Tiago; Guetz, Anna; Fanzutti, Francesco; Affatato, Alessandro; Baradello, Luca; Nieto, Daniel; Bongiovanni, Stefano; Mattassi, Giorgio; Botti, Fabio
In: GRA - Volume 16