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Re-evaluation of fault geometry and slip distribution of surface ruptures associated with the large earthquakes in the 20th century along the central and eastern part of the North Anatolian fault system
Emre, O.; Kondo, H.; Kurcer, A.; Ozalp, S.
In: GRA - Volume 11
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Non-characteristic recurrence behavior on the 1942 Niksar-Erbaa earthquake rupture along the North Anatolian fault system, Turkey
Kondo, H.; Kurcer, A.; Ozalp, S.; Emre, O.
In: GRA - Volume 11
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Paleoseismological findings on the western portion of the surface rupture associated with the 1942 Erbaa-Niksar Earthquake, North Anatolian fault system, Turkey
Kurcer, A.; Kondo, H.; Ozalp, S.; Emre, O.
In: GRA - Volume 11