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Spatial gradients of temperature, accumulation and δ¹⁸O-ice in Greenland over a series of Dansgaard-Oeschger events
Guillevic, M.; Bazin, L.; Landais, A.; Kindler, P.; Orsi, A.; Masson-Delmotte, V.; Blunier, T.; Buchardt, S. L.; Capron, E.; Leuenberger, M.; Martinerie, P.; Prié, F.; Vinther, B. M.
In: Climate of the Past ; 9, no. 3
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Evidence of Little Ice Age cooling in West Antarctica from borehole temperature.
Orsi, A.; Severinghaus, J.
In: GRA - Volume 11
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Consistent past half-century trends in the atmosphere, the sea ice and the ocean at high southern latitudes
Goosse, H.; Lefebvre, W.; de Montety, A.; Orsi, A.
In: GRA - Volume 11
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Recent changes in north-west Greenland climate documented by NEEM shallow ice core data and simulations, and implications for past-temperature reconstructions
Masson-Delmotte, V.; Steen-Larsen, H. C.; Ortega, P.; Swingedouw, D.; Popp, T.; Vinther, B. M.; Oerter, H.; Sveinbjörnsdóttir, Á. E.; Gudlaugsdottir, H.; Box, J. E.; Falourd, S.; Fettweis, X.; Gallée, H.; Garnier, E.; Gkinis, V.; Jouzel, J.; Landais, A.; Minster, B.; Paradis, N.; Orsi, A.; Risi, C.; Werner, M.; White, J. W. C.
In: The Cryosphere ; 9, no. 4