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ULF/ELF emissions observed in Japan, possibly associated with the Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan
Ohta, K.; Umeda, K.; Watanabe, N.; Hayakawa, M.
In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Science ; 1, no. 1/2
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VLF-LF radio signals collected at Bari (South Italy): a preliminary analysis on signal anomalies associated with earthquakes
Biagi, P. F.; Piccolo, R.; Castellana, L.; Maggipinto, T.; Ermini, A.; Martellucci, S.; Bellecci, C.; Perna, G.; Capozzi, V.; Molchanov, O. A.; Hayakawa, M.; Ohta, K.
In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Science ; 4, no. 5/6
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On the ionospheric perturbation associated with the 2007 Niigata Chuetsu-oki earthquake, as seen from subionospheric VLF/LF network observations
Hayakawa, M.; Horie, T.; Yoshida, M.; Kasahara, Y.; Muto, F.; Ohta, K.; Nakamura, T.
In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Science ; 8, no. 3
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On the statistical correlation between the ionospheric perturbations as detected by subionospheric VLF/LF propagation anomalies and earthquakes
Kasahara, Y.; Muto, F.; Horie, T.; Yoshida, M.; Hayakawa, M.; Ohta, K.; Rozhnoi, A.; Solovieva, M.; Molchanov, O. A.
In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Science ; 8, no. 4
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Anomalous effect in Schumann resonance phenomena observed in Japan, possibly associated with the Chi-chi earthquake in Taiwan
Hayakawa, M.; Ohta, K.; Nickolaenko, A. P.; Ando, Y.
In: Annales Geophysicae ; 23, no. 4
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Model modifications in Schumann resonance intensity caused by a localized ionosphere disturbance over the earthquake epicenter
Nickolaenko, A. P.; Hayakawa, M.; Sekiguchi, M.; Ando, Y.; Ohta, K.
In: Annales Geophysicae ; 24, no. 2