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1 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   12453,40
Field Guide to the Continental K-T Boundary in the Raton Basin, Colorado and New Mexico: 3rd International IGCP-IPA Conference on Global Bio-events May 16-17, 1988
Pillmore, C. L.; Fleming, R. F.; Nichols, D. J.
2 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   K I 1223.2474
West-east stratigraphic transect of Cretaceous rocks in the northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains Regions, southwestern Montana to southwestern Minnesota
Dyman, T. S.; Porter, K. W.; Tysdal, R. G.; Cobban, W. A.; Fox, J. E.; Hammond, R. H.; Nichols, D. J.; Perry, W. J.; Rice, D. D.; Setterholm, D. R.; Shurr, G. W.; Haley, J. C.; Lane, D. E.; Anderson, S. B.; Campen, E. B.
In: Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Series
3 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   K I 1223.2151
Chart showing correlations of Upper Cretaceous Fox Hills Sandstone and Lance Formation, and Lower Tertiary Fort Union, Wasatch, and Green River Formations, from the eastern flank of the Washakie Basin to the southeastern part of the Great Divide Basin, Wyoming
Hettinger, R. D.; Honey, James G.; Nichols, D. J.
In: Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Series