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Geochemistry and Sr, Nd, Pb Isotopes of Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene Volcanic Rocks from two Neogene Sub-Basins of the Pannonian System (Styria and Carinthia): Geodynamic Implications
Serri, Giancarlo; Mukasa, Samuel; Renzulli, Alberto; Trua, Teresa; Kolmer, Hans; Dostal, Jaroslav
In: Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association XVI Congress, August 30th to September 2nd, 1998 Vienna: Abstracts
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Tectonomorphic evolution of Marie Byrd Land – Implications for Cenozoic rifting activity and onset of West Antarctic glaciation
Spiegel, Cornelia; Lindow, Julia; Kamp, Peter; Meisel, Ove; Mukasa, Samuel; Lisker, Frank; Kuhn, Gerhard; Gohl, Karsten
In: GRA - Volume 17