Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Mogessie, Aberra', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 104
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P.S.169,80.3.F.88 Eclogites and related rocks Proyer, Alexander; Mogessie, Aberra In: Mineralogy and Petrology
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P.S.798,40.30 18th Colloquium of African Geology, Graz 3 - 7 July, 2000: Special Abstract Issue Wallbrecher, E.; Loizenbauer, J.; Fritz, H.; Unzog, W.; Mogessie, A. In: Journal of African Earth Sciences ; 30
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M 1090-E Petrology and geochemistry of the Ötztal-Stubai Amphibolites, Eastern Alps (Tyrol, Austria) Mogessie, Aberra |
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SE 2267-A The genesis of the gold - arsenophyte mineralisation in Straßegg in realtion to the Pb - Zn mineralisation of Arzberg in the Graz Paleozoic ant the pyrrhotite mineralisation of Naitsch (Styria, Austria): revised version Mogessie, A.; Thalhammer, Oskar In: Research Proposal to the Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung ; 1996
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P.S.903,40.1991/1992 Formation of the talc deposit of Kibanda (Rwanda) and its relation to the regional metamorphic evolution Prochaska, Walter; Mogessie, Aberra; Raith, Johann G. In: Montanuniversität Leoben Institut für Geowissenschaften Jahresbericht ; 1991/92
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P.S.2298,80.1991.1 Occurrence of platinum group minerals in the Duluth Complex, Minnesota Mogessie, Aberra In: Referate der Vorträge und Poster: Gemeinschaftstagung der Deutschen und der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft vom 5. bis 15. September 1991 in Salzburg
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P.S.732,80.155 Mid-crustal felsic granulite xenoliths from the Western Pannonian Basin (Beistein, Austria) Nemeth, Bianca; Török, K.; Koller, Friedrich; Badenszki, E.; Szabó, Csaba; Mogessie, Aberra In: MinPet 2009 - MSCC 2009: "MinPet 2009" and "4th Mineral Sciences in the Carpathians" September 7-11th, 2009 Budapest, Hungary: Abstracts
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P.S.1853,80.154 High Alumina Calcic Amphiboles (Alumino Pargasite - Magnesio Sadanagaite) from Metabasites and Metacarbonates of Central Oetztal, Eastern Alps (Northern Tyrol, Austria ) Mogessie, Aberra; Purtscheller, Fridolin; Tessadri, Richard In: Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie: Abhandlungen ; 154
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P.S.732,80.151 The mafic-ultramafic rocks and surrounding basement of the La Huerta and Valle Fertil Ranges, San Juan, Argentina Castro de Machuca, B.; Mogessie, Albera; Previley, L.; Bjerg, E.; Kostadinoff, J.; Ferracutti, G.; Schneider, I. In: MinPet 2005: September 25th - September 29th, 2005, Schladming, Styria, Austria: Abstracts
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P.S.732,80.151 Chemical and mineralogical profile of the Las Aguilas mafic-ultramafic drill core, San Luis Province, Argentina Ferracutti, G.; Mogessie, Albera; Bjerg, E. In: MinPet 2005: September 25th - September 29th, 2005, Schladming, Styria, Austria: Abstracts
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P.S.732,80.151 Petrology and geochemistry of mantle xenoliths from the Aldige Valley, northern Italy Goritschnig, B.; Braga, R.; Meisel, Thomas; Mogessie, Albera; Morten, L. In: MinPet 2005: September 25th - September 29th, 2005, Schladming, Styria, Austria: Abstracts
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P.S.732,80.150 Mineral needles and melt inclusions in garnet from the Chepelare area, Central Rhodope, Bulgaria Georgieva, Milena; Mogessie, A.; Cherneva, Z. In: 7th International Eclogite Conference 2005: Juli 3rd - July 9th, Seggau, Austria: Abstracts, Excursions
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P.S.732,80.150 Mantle xenoliths in neogene volcanic rocks of the Styrian Basin Mogessie, Aberra; Fritz, Ingomar; Ettinger, Karl; Proyer, Alexander In: 7th International Eclogite Conference 2005: Juli 3rd - July 9th, Seggau, Austria: Abstracts, Excursions
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P.S.732,80.148 Die Sulfidmineralisationen von Arzberg (Steiermark): Ergebnisse petrographischer, mineralchemischer und geochemischer Untersuchungen Feichter, Monika M.; Mogessie, Albera In: MinPet 2003: 15-21. September 2003 Neukirchen am Grossvenediger/Salzburg: Abstracts
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P.S.732,80.148 P-T metamorphic path of garnet-kyanite-bearing schists: Chepelare Formation, Central Rhodope, Bulgaria Georgieva, Milena; Mogessie, Aberra; Hauzenberger, Christoph; Proyer, A.; Cherneva, Z. In: MinPet 2003: 15-21. September 2003 Neukirchen am Grossvenediger/Salzburg: Abstracts
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P.S.732,80.148 Platinum group minerals from the Yubo Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks, Western Ethiopia Mogessie, Aberra In: MinPet 2003: 15-21. September 2003 Neukirchen am Grossvenediger/Salzburg: Abstracts
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P.S.732,80.147 A geological excursion to the Mesozoic sediments of the Abay Basin (Blue Nile), recent volcanics of the Ethiopian main rift and basement rocks of the Adola Rea, Ethiopia Mogessie, A.; Krenn, K.; Schaflechner, J.; Koch, U.; Egger, T.; Goritchnig, B.; Kosednar, B.; Pichler, H.; Ofner, L.; Bauernfeind, D.; Tadesse, S.; Hailu, K.; Demessie, M. In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft ; 147
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P.S.732,80.146 Pan African metamorphism of the Western Ethiopian Shield Johnson, T. E.; Ayalew, T.; Belete, K.; Mogessie, A. In: MinPet 2001, 24. - 26. September 2001, Vienna: Anniversary Meeting Österreichische Mineralogische Gesellschaft (ÖMG) 1901 - 2001
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P.S.732,80.146 The Yubdo-daleti and Tuluf Dimtu ultramafic rocks: a potential source of economic deposits of platinum group minerals Mogessie, A.; Belete, K.; Hoinkes, Georg; Bowles, J. In: MinPet 2001, 24. - 26. September 2001, Vienna: Anniversary Meeting Österreichische Mineralogische Gesellschaft (ÖMG) 1901 - 2001
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P.S.732,80.145 AMPH-IMA97 - A Hypercard program for amphibole classification and nomenclature based on the 1997 International Mineralogical Association Scheme Mogessie, A.; Ettinger, K.; Leake, B. E.; Tessadri, R. In: MinWien 1999, 28. August bis 1. September 1999, Wien: Nachtrag
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Mogessie, Aberra', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 104