Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Miller, Christine', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 87
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P.S.2156,80.254 Sm-Nd isotope systematics of high-REE accessory minerals and major phases: ID-TIMS, LA-ICP-MS and EPMA data constrain multipe Permian-Triassic pegmatite emplacement in the Koralpe, Eastern Alps Thöni, Martin; Miller, Christine; Zanetti, A.; Habler, Gerlinde; Goessler, Walter In: Chemical Geology
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M 218-E Phasenpetrologische Untersuchungen der Gesteine aus der Eklogitzone des Tauernfensters, Österreich Miller, Christine |
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A 05286-RA/152/1978 Geologie des Frosnitztales (S-Venediger, Hohe Tauern) (Kartierungsbericht 1978, 1979 auf Blatt Matrei i.O. 152/4) Frank, W.; Miller, Ch.; Hoke, Leonore |
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7603,40 Metagabbros and eclogites in the Kor- and Saualpe, Austria: SIEC 1985 excursion guide book Miller, Christine |
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P.S.1923,80.F.1 Metamorphism in the Eastern Alps: IMA2010 Field Trip Guide AT1 Hoinkes, Georg; Koller, Friedrich; Demeny, Attila; Schuster, Ralf; Miller, Christine; Thöni, Martin; Kurz, Walter; Krenn, Kurt; Walter, Franz In: Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica: Field Guide Series
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P.S.2298,80.2002.1 Permian gabbroic intrusions within the Lower Austroalpine Grobgneiss Unit (Eastern Alps, Austria): origin, evolution and tectonic setting Koller, Friedrich; Pumhösl, Hemma; Thöni, M.; Faryad, Shah Wali; Seifert-Falkner, C.; Frank, W.; Miller, C.; Satir, Muharrem In: Referate der Vorträge und Poster: 80. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft vom 8. bis 12. September 2002 in Hamburg: Exkursionsführer
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P.S.130,80.1980 Bericht 1978/79 über geologische Aufnahmen im Frosnitztal (Hohe Tauern) auf Blatt 152 Matrei in Osttirol Frank, Wolfgang; Miller, Christine; Hoke, Leonore In: Verhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt ; 1980
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P.S.1855,80.1977 Detrital Ferroglaucophane from the Cenomanian Walserberg series, Salzburg, Austria Miller, Christine In: Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie: Monatshefte ; 1977
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P.S.130,80.1973 Zur Metamorphose der Glaukophanschiefer in den Hohen Tauern Miller, Christine In: Verhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt ; 1973
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8078,40-Per.712 Field trip Austrian Alps - Salzburg - Innsbruck: Geological Stop: Ötztal (=Ötz valley) (Stop at the junction of the Ötz valley with the Inn valley) Hoinkes, Georg; Miller, Christine In: Abstracts and Program for the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society Vienna, Austria Juli 31 - August 4, 1989
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8148,40-Per.N.F.298 Ar/Ar-ages of detrital micas and paleogeographic provenance of Proterozoic clastic sediments in the Himalayas Frank, Wolfgang; Miller, Christine; Grasemann, Bernhard In: 10th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, 4 - 8 April, 1995: including a Special Session on geological processes related to uplift, exhumation and elevation of the Himalaya, Karakoram and Tibet: Abstract Volume
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8148,40-Per.N.F.298 Cooling and exhumation history of the Higher and Lesser Himalaya, NW-India Grasemann, Bernhard; Frank, Wolfgang; Miller, Christine In: 10th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, 4 - 8 April, 1995: including a Special Session on geological processes related to uplift, exhumation and elevation of the Himalaya, Karakoram and Tibet: Abstract Volume
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8148,40-Per.N.F.298 Magmatism in SW Tibet Miller, Christine; Frank, Wolfgang; Mair, Volkmar; Purtscheller, Fridolin; Schuster, Ralf In: 10th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, 4 - 8 April, 1995: including a Special Session on geological processes related to uplift, exhumation and elevation of the Himalaya, Karakoram and Tibet: Abstract Volume
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8148,40-Per.N.F.298 Geology of the Xungba-Kailas-Manasarovar-Burang Transsect, SW-Tibet Purtscheller, Fridolin; Frank, Wolfgang; Mair, Volkmar; Miller, Christine; Schuster, Ralf In: 10th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, 4 - 8 April, 1995: including a Special Session on geological processes related to uplift, exhumation and elevation of the Himalaya, Karakoram and Tibet: Abstract Volume
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P.S.2156,80.260 The "Permian event" in the Eastern European Alps: Sm-Nd and P-T data recorded by multi-stage garnet from the Plankogel unit Miller, C.; Thöni, Martin In: Chemical Geology ; 260
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P.S.2156,80.241 Major and trace element chemistry and Sm-Nd age correlation of magmatic pegmatite garnet overprinted by eclogite-facies metamorphism Habler, Gerlinde; Thöni, Martin; Miller, Christine In: Chemical Geology ; 241
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P.S.2156,80.239 Eclogisation of gabbroic rocks: Redistribution of trace elements and Zr in rutile thermometry in an Eo-Alpine subduction zone (Eastern Alps) Miller, C.; Zanetti, A.; Thöni, Martin; Konzett, J. In: Chemical Geology ; 239
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P.S.601,40.230 Über das Auftreten von Mg-Chloritoid in den Tauerneklogiten Miller, Christine In: Geologischer Tiefbau der Ostalpen (Hochschulschwerpunkt N 25): Heft 6 Jahresbericht 1977 I. Teil
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P.S.601,40.221 Arbeitsbericht 1976 über die polyphase alpinmetamorphe Entwicklung der Eklogite im Penninikum des Tauernfensters, Österreich Miller, Christine In: Geologischer Tiefbau der Ostalpen (Hochschulschwerpunkt N 25): 5. Heft Jahresbericht 1976
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P.S.2156,80.209 Ordovician meta-pegmatite garnet (N-W Ötztal basement, Tyrol, Eastern Alps): preservation of magmatic garnet chemistry and Sm-Nd age during mylonitization Thöni, Martin; Miller, Ch. In: Chemical Geology ; 209
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Miller, Christine', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 87