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Impacts of inhomogeneous landscapes in oasis interior on the oasis self-maintenance mechanism by integrating numerical model with satellite data
Meng, X.; Lu, S.; Zhang, T.; Ao, Y.; Li, S.; Bao, Y.; Wen, L.; Luo, S.
In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences ; 16, no. 10
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Multiproxy reconstruction for Kuroshio responses to northern hemispheric oceanic climate and the Asian Monsoon since Marine Isotope Stage 5.1 (∼88 ka)
Shi, X.; Wu, Y.; Zou, J.; Liu, Y.; Ge, S.; Zhao, M.; Liu, J.; Zhu, A.; Meng, X.; Yao, Z.; Han, Y.
In: Climate of the Past ; 10, no. 5