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Transient simulation of the last inception (128 to 115ka BP) with a coupled climate - cryosphere model
Roche, Didier M.; Dumas, Christophe; Ritz, Catherine; Goosse, Hugues
In: GRA - Volume 12
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Transient simulation of the last inception (128 to 115ka BP): cryosphere and climate interactions
Dumas, Christophe; Ritz, Catherine; Roche, Didier M.
In: GRA - Volume 12
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Coupled climate - ice-sheet simulations of the "Great Ice Sheets" of the Last Glacial Maximum: progress, pitfalls and lessons using the LOVECLIM-GRISLI coupled model
Roche, Didier; Dumas, Christophe; Ritz, Catherine; Charbit, Sylvie
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Investigating the impact of the ablation parameterization on simulated ice sheets over the last glacial cycle
Charbit, Sylvie; Dumas, Christophe; Kageyama, Masa; Ritz, Catherine; Roche, Didier
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Thresholds on atmospheric carbon dioxide for Antarctica and Greenland inceptions derived from Climate/cryosphere models
Dumas, Christophe; Ramstein, Gilles; Donnadieu, Yannick; Ritz, Catherine; Bonelli, Stefano; Waldman, Robin
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Simulating the effects of oceanic variability on millennial-scale iceberg discharges: focus on Heinrich events
Alvarez-Solas, Jorge; Montoya, Marisa; Ritz, Catherine; Charbit, Sylvie; Ramstein, Gilles; Dumas, Christophe
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Greenland Ice sheet during the Pliocene climate optimum: a sensitivity study to CO2 level and orbital configuration
Contoux, Camille; Dumas, Christophe; Ramstein, Gilles; Jost, Anne
In: GRA - Volume 15
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Comparison of ice-sheets impact on atmospheric circulation in PMIP3 models
Beghin, Pauline; Charbit, Sylvie; Dumas, Christophe; Peterschmitt, Jean-Yves
In: GRA - Volume 15
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Role of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) on the Antarctica ice-sheet
Ladant, Jean-Baptiste; Donnadieu, Yannick; Lefebvre, Vincent; Dumas, Christophe
In: GRA - Volume 15
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A mechanism for brief glacial episodes in the Mesozoic greenhouse
Donnadieu, Yannick; Dromart, Gilles; Goddéris, Yves; Pucéat, Emmanuelle; Dera, Guillaume; Olivier, Nicolas; Brigaud, Benjamin; Dumas, Christophe
In: GRA - Volume 16
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NIR spectral constraints of Europa's surface with ESO/VLT/ SINFONI
Ligier, Nicolas; Poulet, François; Carter, John; Langevin, Yves; Dumas, Christophe; Gourgeot, Florian
In: GRA - Volume 17
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The impacts of the North American ice-sheet on glaciation conditions over northern Europe: an atmospheric circulation study with the LMDZ model
Beghin, Pauline; Charbit, Sylvie; Kageyama, Masa; Dumas, Christophe
In: GRA - Volume 17
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What drives LGM precipitation changes over the Western Mediterranean?
Beghin, Pauline; Charbit, Sylvie; Kageyama, Masa; Combourieu Nebout, Nathalie; Hatté, Christine; Dumas, Christophe; Peterschmitt, Jean-Yves
In: GRA - Volume 17
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Initializing the Greenland ice sheet to investigate its sensitivity to climate changes: a study with the GRISLI model.
Le Clec'h, Sébastien; Dumas, Christophe; Kageyama, Masa; Charbit, Sylvie; Ritz, Catherine; Gallée, Hubert; Fettweis, Xavier
In: GRA - Volume 18
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Towards Greenland Glaciation: cumulative or abrupt transition?
Tan, Ning; Dumas, Christophe; Ladant, Jean-Baptiste; Ramstein, Gilles; Contoux, Camille
In: GRA - Volume 18
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MIS M2 initiation and termination link to the shallow CAS open and close?
Tan, Ning; Ramstein, Gilles; Dumas, Christophe; Contoux, Camille
In: GRA - Volume 18
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The Sahelian agro-ecosystem vulnerability to an acceleration of ice-sheet melting during the 21st century
Defrance, Dimitri; Ramstein, Gilles; Charbit, Sylvie; Sultan, Benjamin; Dumas, Christophe; Vrac, Mathieu; Swingedouw, Didier; Gemenne, François; Alvarez-Solas, Jorge; Vanderlinden, Jean-Paul
In: GRA - Volume 18
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Fingerprints of endogenous process on Europa through linear spectral modeling of ground-based observations (ESO/VLT/SINFONI)
Ligier, Nicolas; Carter, John; Poulet, François; Langevin, Yves; Dumas, Christophe; Gourgeot, Florian
In: GRA - Volume 18
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Unexpected climatic impacts of orbital forcing out of the Quaternary
Ramstein, Gilles; Zhang, Zhongshi; Le Hir, Guillaume; Contoux, Camille; Donnadieu, Yannick; Dumas, Christophe; Schuster, Mathieu; Li, Camille
In: GRA - Volume 18
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Evaluation of three methods of different levels of complexity to represent the interactions between the Greenland ice sheet and the atmosphere at the century time scale.
Le Clec'h, Sébastien; Fettweis, Xavier; Quiquet, Aurélien; Dumas, Christophe; Kageyama, Masa; Charbit, Sylvie; Ritz, Catherine
In: GRA - Volume 19