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Isotopic constraints on methane’s global sources and ENSO-dependence
Schaefer, Hinrich; Mikaloff Fletcher, Sara; Veidt, Cora; Lassey, Keith; Brailsford, Gordon; Bromley, Tony; Dlugokencky, Edward; Englund Michel, Sylvia; Miller, John; Levin, Ingeborg; Lowe, Dave; Martin, Ross; Vaughn, Bruce; White, James; Nichol, Sylvia
In: GRA - Volume 19
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Carbon isotope ratios suggest no additional methane from boreal wetlands during the rapid Greenland Interstadial 21.2
Sperlich, Peter; Schaefer, Hinrich; Mikaloff Fletcher, Sara; Guillevic, Myriam; Lassey, Keith; Sapart, Célia; Röckmann, Thomas; Blunier, Thomas
In: GRA - Volume 19