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IV Joint International Symposium on Exploration Geochemistry, a tribute to Academician L. V. Tauson, September 7 - 10, 1994 Irkutsk, Russia: Abstracts: Volume 1
Koval, P. V.; Kuzmin, M. I.; Bounaeva, T. V.; Sanina, N. B.; International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry
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IV Joint International Symposium on Exploration Geochemistry, a tribute to Academician L. V. Tauson, September 7 - 10, 1994 Irkutsk, Russia: Abstracts: Volume 2
Koval, P. V.; Kuzmin, M. I.; Bounaeva, T. V.; Sanina, N. B.; International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry
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Summary of Northeast Asia geodynamics and tectonics*
Parfenov, L. M.; Badarch, G.; Berzin, N. A.; Khanchuk, A. I.; Kuzmin, M. I.; Nokleberg, W. J.; Prokopiev, A. V.; Ogasawara, M.; Yan, H.
In: Geology, geophysics and tectonics of Northeastern Russia: a tribute to Leonid Parfenov
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Climate in continental interior Asia during the longest interglacial of the past 500 000 years: the new MIS 11 records from Lake Baikal, SE Siberia
Prokopenko, A. A.; Bezrukova, E. V.; Khursevich, G. K.; Solotchina, E. P.; Kuzmin, M. I.; Tarasov, P. E.
In: Climate of the Past ; 6, no. 1