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Genetic and functional diversity of soil microbial communities associated to grapevine plants and wine quality
Mocali, Stefano; Fabiani, Arturo; Kuramae, Eiko; de Hollander, Mattias; Kowalchuk, George A.; Vignozzi, Nadia; Valboa, Giuseppe; Costantini, Edoardo
In: GRA - Volume 15
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Taxonomical and functional microbial responses to agriculture management of Amazon forest soils
Kuramae, Eiko; Navarrete, Acácio; Mendes, Lucas; de Hollander, Mattias; van Veen, Johannes; Tsai, Siu
In: GRA - Volume 15
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Genetic and functional diversity of soil microbial communities associated to grapevine plants and wine quality
Mocali, Stefano; Fabiano, Arturo; Kuramae, Eiko; de Hollander, Matias; Kowalchuck, George; Vignozzi, Nadia; Valboa, Giuseppe; Pastorelli, Roberta; Fornasier, Flavio; Priori, Simone; Costantini, Edoardo
In: GRA - Volume 16