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Morphological and sedimentological characters of the East Sea (Japan Sea) continental margin
Kim, Seong-Pil; Koo, Bon Young; Kong, Gee Soo; Um, In Kwon; Lee, Gwang Soo; Chung, Gong Soo; Choi, Jin-Yong
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Geochemical compositions of northeast equatorial Pacific sediments and implications for latitudinal position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone since late Miocene
Hyeong, Kiseong; Kim, Wonnyon; Kong, Gee Soo; Seo, Inah; Yoo, Chan Min; Chi, Sang-Bum
In: GRA - Volume 17
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Seismic facies of incised-channel fill deposits of paleo-Seomjin River in the South Sea, Korea
Bae, Sung Ho; Kong, Gee Soo; Kim, Dae Choul; Lee, Gwang Soo; Yoo, Dong Geun
In: GRA - Volume 18
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Late Quaternary seismic stratigraphy and depositional history at the mid-eastern Yellow Sea
Yoo, Dong-Geun; Lee, Gwang- Soo; Chang, Tae- Soo; Kong, Gee-Soo; Bae, Sung-Ho
In: GRA - Volume 18
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Stratigraphy and evolution history of the continental shelf deposits in the South Sea, Korea
Lee, Gwang- Soo; Cukur, Deniz; Yoo, Dong-Geun; Bae, Sung Ho; Kong, Gee-Soo; Kim, Dae-Choul
In: GRA - Volume 19