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1 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   Volltext-Dokument vorhanden 14702,40
4d-modelling of fault kinematics along a Periadriatic Fault cross section deduced from (U-Th)/He and fission-track analyses
Klotz, Thomas; Pomella, Hannah; Burger, Ulrich; Fügenschuh, Bernhard; Zattin, Massimiliano; Massironi, Matteo
In: GeoTirol 2016: Annual Meeting DGGV: 25-28 September 2016, Innsbruck, Austria: Abstract Volume
2 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   Volltext-Dokument vorhanden P.S.850,40.31
Differential uplift on the boundary between the Eastern and the Southern European Alps: Thermochronologic constraints from the Brenner Base Tunnel
Klotz, Thomas; Pomella, Hannah; Reiser, Martin; Fügenschuh, Bernhard; Zattin, Massimiliano
In: Thermo2018
3 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   Volltext-Dokument vorhanden 14457,40-Per.15
The thermotectonic evolution in front of the Dolomites Indenter
Pomella, Hannah; Klotz, Thomas; Sieberer, Anna-Katharina; Reiser, Martin; Tropper, Peter; Schuster, Ralf
In: 15th Emile Argand Conference on Alpine Geological Studies 12-14 September 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia: Abstract book & fieldtrip guide
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Internal deformation and tectonic evolution of the Dolomites Indenter, eastern Southern Alps: A combined field and analogue modelling study
Sieberer, Anna-Katharina; Willingshofer, Ernst; Klotz, Thomas; Ortner, Hugo; Pomella, Hannah
In: 15th Emile Argand Conference on Alpine Geological Studies 12-14 September 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia: Abstract book & fieldtrip guide
5 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   P.S.1144,40.Bh.51
Deformation in front of and within the Dolomites Indenter
Pomella, Hannah; Sieberer, Anna-Katharina; Klotz, Thomas; Ortner, Hugo
In: 19th Symposium Tectonics, Structural Geology and Geology of Crystalline Rocks: Volume I: Abstracts
6 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   P.S.1144,40.Bh.51
Internal deformation of the Dolomites Indenter, eastern Southern Alps: Insights from a combined field and crustal scale analogue modelling study
Sieberer, Anna-Katharina; Willingshofer, Ernst; Klotz, Thomas; Ortner, Hugo; Pomella, Hannah
In: 19th Symposium Tectonics, Structural Geology and Geology of Crystalline Rocks: Volume I: Abstracts
7 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   Volltext-Dokument vorhanden P.S.732,80.169
Visible and invisible complexities in rocks: mineralogical and petrological constraints on the Variscan metamorphic gradient in the Southalpine metamorphic basement (Brixen quartzphyllites)
Tropper, Peter; Klotz, Thomas; Wzietek, A.; Pomella, Hannah
In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft ; 169
8 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   Volltext-Dokument vorhanden 16468,40
Control of lateral strength variations on deformation of the Adriatic plate: insights from lithospheric-scale analogue models
Sieberer, Anna-Katharina; Willingshofer, Ernst; Klotz, Thomas; Ortner, Hugo; Pomella, Hannah
In: PANGEO / DEUQUA 2024: Abstracts: 23. - 27. September 2024
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The complex thermotectonic history of the eastern Southern Alps
Pomella, Hannah; Klotz, Thomas; Sieberer, Anna-Katharina; Dunkl, István
In: Abstract Book: and List of Authors: 16th EGU Emile Argand Conference on Alpine Geological Studies Alpine Workshop Siena, Italy, 16-17-18 September 2024
10 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   Volltext-Dokument vorhanden 14457,40-Per.16
Relation between inherited basin size and fold-and-thrust belt deformation style in crustal-scale analogue models: implications for the evolution of the European eastern Southern Alps
Sieberer, Anna-Katharina; Willingshofer, Ernst; Klotz, Thomas; Ortner, Hugo; Pomella, Hannah
In: Abstract Book: and List of Authors: 16th EGU Emile Argand Conference on Alpine Geological Studies Alpine Workshop Siena, Italy, 16-17-18 September 2024