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Flow and transport modeling and isotope monitoring of a dug well SAT prototype in Shafdan, Israel
Kloppmann, Wolfram; Pettenati, Marie; Chikurel, Haim; Picot, Géraldine; Guttmann, Joseph; Aharoni, Avi
In: GRA - Volume 12
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Heavy metal input to agricultural soils from irrigation with treated wastewater: Insight from Pb isotopes
Kloppmann, Wolfram; Cary, Lise; Psarras, Georgios; Surdyk, Nicolas; Chartzoulakis, Kostas; Pettenati, Marie; Maton, Laure
In: GRA - Volume 12
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Long term evolution of water supply sources and groundwater flow in a large scale artificial recharge system assessed through multi-isotope tracing
Kloppmann, Wolfram; Negev, Ido; Guttman, Joseph; Kraitzer, Tomer; Guerrot, Catherine; Pettenati, Marie; Chikurel, Haim; Aharoni, Avi; Goren, Orly; Burg, Avihu
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Origin of European alabaster artworks assessed through isotope fingerprinting (S, O, Sr).
Kloppmann, Wolfram; Bromblet, Philippe; Leroux, Lise; Cooper, Anthony; Worley, Noel; Guerrot, Catherine
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Groundwater dating and geochemical conditions in an artesian, siliciclastic transboundary aquifer, under pristine conditions and after one decade of exploitation using radiocarbon, tritium, SF6, CFCs.
Kloppmann, Wolfram; Mouloudi, Rajaa; Gourcy, Laurence; Schomburgk, Susanne; Urban, Stephan; Kärcher, Thomas; Müller, Wolfgang
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Potential impacts on groundwater resources of deep CO2 storage
Lions, Julie; Gale, Ian; Nygaard, Erik; Rütters, Heike; May, Franz; Kloppmann, Wolfram; Beaubien, Stanley; Sohrabi, Mehran; Hatzignatiou, Dimitrios G.; Basava-Reddi, Ludmilla
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Potential leakage between aquifers in a deeply anthropized coastal sedimentary basin (Recife, Brazil): Strontium isotope constraints
Pételet-Giraud, Emmanuelle; Cary, Lise; Hirata, Ricardo; Martins, Veridiana; Guillaume, Bertrand; Montenegro, Suzana; Pauwels, Hélène; Kloppmann, Wolfram; Aquilina, Luc
In: GRA - Volume 15
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Constraints of costal aquifer functioning in a deeply antropized area through a multi-isotope fingerprinting (Recife, Brazil)
Pételet-Giraud, Emmanuelle; Cary, Lise; Guillaume, Bertrand; Hirata, Ricardo; Martins, Veridiana; Montenegro, Suzana; Pauwels, Hélène; Kloppmann, Wolfram; Aquilina, Luc
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Multi-isotope tracing of CO2 leakage and water-rock interaction in a natural CCS analogue.
Kloppmann, Wolfram; Gemeni, Vasiliki; Lions, Julie; Koukouzas, Nikolaos; Humez, Pauline; Vasilatos, Charalampos; Millot, Romain; Pauwels, Hélène
In: GRA - Volume 17
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Isotope characterisation of historical alabaster quarries in Western Europe.
Kloppmann, Wolfram; Leroux, Lise; Bromblet, Philippe; Cooper, Anthony H.; Nestler, Angela; Guerrot, Catherine; Montech, Anne-Thérèse; Worley, Noel
In: GRA - Volume 17
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Managed aquifer recharge in weathered crystalline basement aquifers in India: Monitoring of the effect of tank infiltration on water quality over several monsoon events
Alazard, Marina; Boisson, Alexandre; Maréchal, Jean-Christophe; Dewandel, Benoît; Perrin, Jerome; Pettenati, Marie; Picot-Colbeaux, Géraldine; Ahmed, Shakeel; Thiéry, Dominique; Kloppmann, Wolfram
In: GRA - Volume 17
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Environmental baseline conditions for impact assessment of unconventional gas exploitation: the G-Baseline project
Kloppmann, Wolfram; Mayer, Berhard; Millot, Romain; Parker, Beth L.; Gaucher, Eric; Clarkson, Christopher R.; Cherry, John A.; Humez, Pauline; Cahill, Aaron
In: GRA - Volume 17
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Multi-isotopes constraints on the origins and processes of groundwater salinization in coastal aquifers. Example of Recife, Northeast of Brazil
Cary, Lise; Pételet-Giraud, Emmanuelle; Guillaume, Bertrand; Kloppmann, Wolfram; Aquilina, Luc; Pauwels, Hélène; Martins, Veridiana; Hirata, Ricardo; Montenegro, Suzana
In: GRA - Volume 17
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The distribution of methane in groundwater in Alberta (Canada) and associated aqueous geochemistry conditions
Humez, Pauline; Mayer, Bernhard; Nightingale, Michael; Becker, Veith; Kingston, Andrew; Taylor, Stephen; Millot, Romain; Kloppmann, Wolfram
In: GRA - Volume 18
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Natural gas seeps in the French Alps: Sources and pathways
Kloppmann, Wolfram; Blessing, Michaela; Proust, Eric; Gal, Frédéric; Bentivegna, Gaetan; Henry, Benoit; Defossez, Pierrick; Lerouge, Catherine; Humez, Pauline; Mayer, Bernhard; Millot, Romain; Gaucher, Eric
In: GRA - Volume 18
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Limitations of the isotopic composition of nitrates as a tracer of their origin
Kloppmann, Wolfram; Mayer, Bernhard; Otero, Neus; Sebilo, Mathieu; Gooddy, Daren; Lapworth, Dan; Surridge, Ben; Petelet Giraud, Emmanuelle; Flehoc, Christine; Baran, Nicole
In: GRA - Volume 19
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Identifying the material of original and restored parts of a 14th century alabaster annunciation group through stable isotopes
Kloppmann, Wolfram; Leroux, Lise; Le Pogam, Pierre-Yves; Bromblet, Philippe
In: GRA - Volume 19