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About the temperature, pressure and viscosity distributions in the Earth's mantle on it's accumulation.
Khachay, Yurie; Anfilogov, Vsevolod
In: GRA - Volume 12
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On the temperature and pressure evolution in the forming core and mantle on the stage of Earth's accumulation.
Khachay, Yurie; Anfilogov, Vsevolod
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Red Sea rift is a unique object of experimental research of the structure of mantle convection.
Khachay, Yurie; Hachay, Olga
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Numerical Results of Earth's Core Accumulation 3-D Modelling
Khachay, Yurie; Anfilogov, Vsevolod
In: GRA - Volume 15
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Numerical Results of 3-D Modeling of Moon Accumulation
Khachay, Yurie; Anfilogov, Vsevolod; Antipin, Alexandr
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Accumulation of planets into the proto-planetary cloud as a process of occurring an amount of characteristic scales into the nonlinear self organized dynamical systems
Khachay, Yurie
In: GRA - Volume 17
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Realization of thermal Convection into the initial Earth's Core on the Stage of planetary Accumulation
Khachay, Yurie
In: GRA - Volume 17
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Heat production by energy viscous dissipation at the stage of the Earth’s accumulation.
Khachay, Yurie; Hachay, Olga
In: GRA - Volume 18
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Effect of convective transport in porous media on the conditions of organic matter maturation and generation of hydrocarbons in trap rocks complexes
Khachay, Yurie; Mindubaev, Mansur
In: GRA - Volume 18
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Viscous dissipation of energy at the stage of accumulation of the Earth
Khachay, Yurie; Hachay, Olga; Antipin, Alexandr
In: GRA - Volume 19
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Peculiarities of convection and oil maturation in 3D porous medium structure.
Khachay, Yurie; Mindubaev, Mansur
In: GRA - Volume 19