Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Kaesler, Roger L.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 13
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P.S.1655,80.100 Distribution and diversity of ostracode assemblages from the Hamlin shale and the Americus limestone (Permian, Wolfcampian) in Northeastern Kansas Peterson, R. Michael; Kaesler, Roger L. In: Paleontological Contributions: Paper
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P.S.1655,80.87 Magnesium Content of Calcite in Carapaces of Benthic Marine Ostracoda Cadot, H. Meade; Kaesler, Roger L. In: Paleontological Contributions: Paper
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P.S.1655,80.80 Trace Fossils from the Rock Bluff Limestine (Pennsylvanian, Kansas) Maerz, Richard H.; Kaesler, Roger L.; Hakes, William G. In: Paleontological Contributions: Paper
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35118,80-Per.74 Fossils and the future: Paleontology in the 21st century Lane, Richard H.; Steininger, Fritz F.; Kaesler, Roger L.; Ziegler, Willi; Lipps, Jere In: Senckenberg-Buch
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P.S.1655,80.69 Morphological variation of the foraminifer Ammonia becarii (LINNE) from the Atlantic Coast of the United States Chang, Yi-Maw; Kaesler, Roger L. In: Paleontological Contributions: Paper
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P.S.1655,80.60 A Census of Holocene Species of Xestoleberis (Ostracoda, Podocopida) from the Southern Oceans Kaesler, Roger L.; Waters, Johnny A. In: Paleontological Contributions: Paper
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30260,80.H.3 Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: Part H: Brachiopoda: Revised: Volume 3: Linguliformea, Craniiformea, and Rhynchonelliformea (part) Williams, Alwyn; Brunton, C. H. C.; Carlson, S. J.; Kaesler, Roger L.; Geological Society of America; University of Kansas |
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30260,80.H.2 Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: Part H: Brachiopoda: Revised: Volume 2: Linguliformea, Craniiformea, and Rhynchonelliformea (part) Williams, Alwyn; Brunton, C. H. C.; Carlson, S. J.; Kaesler, Roger L.; Geological Society of America; University of Kansas |
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P.S.415,40.31-33 Arthropoda Article 3: Recent marine and lagoonal ostracodes from the Estero de Tastiota Region, Sonora, Mexico (northeastern Gulf of California) Benson, Richard H.; Kaesler, Roger L. In: University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions: Article
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P.S.85,80.85.1 Simulation of Growth of the Foraminiferida Ammonia beccarii by Computer Chang, Yi-Maw; Kaesler, Roger L.; Merril, William M. In: Geological Society of America Bulletin ; 85.1-6
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P.S.85,80.83.3 Magnesium in Calcite of Marine Ostracoda Cadot, H. Meade; Schmus, W. R.; Kaesler, R. L. In: Geological Society of America Bulletin ; 83.9-12
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P.S.85,80.83.1 Fourier Analysis of the Ostracode Margin Kaesler, Roger L.; Waters, Johnny A. In: Geological Society of America Bulletin ; 83.1-4
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P.S.32,40,18/19.Suppl. Phenotypic Variations of Populations of Krithe producta with Environment Kaesler, Roger L.; Lohmann, K. C. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Evolution of Post-Paleozoic Ostracoda (Hamburg, 18. - 25. August 1974)
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Kaesler, Roger L.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 13