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CLUPI, a high-performance imaging system on the ESA-NASA rover of the 2018 ExoMars mission to discover biofabrics on Mars
Josset, J.-L.; Westall, F.; Hofmann, B. A.; Spray, J. G.; Cockell, C.; Kempe, S.; Griffiths, A. D.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Colangeli, L.; Koschny, D.; Pullan, D.; Föllmi, K.; Diamond, L.; Josset, M.; Javaux, E.; Esposito, F.; Barnes, D.
In: GRA - Volume 14
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Mid- and late Holocene dust deposition in western Europe: the Misten peat bog (Hautes Fagnes – Belgium)
Allan, M.; Roux, G.; Piotrowska, N.; Beghin, J.; Javaux, E.; Court-Picon, M.; Mattielli, N.; Verheyden, S.; Fagel, N.
In: Climate of the Past ; 9, no. 5