Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Holcova, Katarina', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 8
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P.S.1147,80.113 Geologia severneho svahu sahanskej antiformy Vass, Dionýz; Konečný, Vlastimil; Elečko, Michal; Holcova, Katarina; Mad'ar, Dalibor; Fordinál, Klement; Kováčik, Martin; Milicka, Jan; Pereszlenyi, Miroslav In: Geologicke Prace: Zpravy
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P.S.1303,80.58.3/4 Silurian and Devonian foraminifers and other acid-resistant microfossils from the Barrandian Area Holcova, Katarina In: Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae: Series B - Historiae Naturalis
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P.S.1854,80.220 Foraminifera and calcareous nannoplancton from the "Rzehakia (Oncophora) Beds" in the Central Paratethys Holcova, Katarina In: Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie: Abhandlungen ; 220
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P.S.429,40.43 Neogene sequence stratigraphy of the Western Carpathian Basins Kovac, M.; Zlinska, A.; Halasova, E.; Holcova, Katarina; Hudackova, N. In: Sediment 2000: Kurzfassungen - Abstracts
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P.S.1255,40.21 New Sr-isotope stratigraphy (SIS) age-data from the Central Paratethys Less, György; Frijia, Gianluca; Filipescu, Sorin; Holcova, Katarina; Mandic, Oleg; Sztanó, Orsolya In: 2nd International Congress on Stratigraphy STRATI 2015 19. - 23. July 2015, Graz, Austria: Abstracts
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14394,40 Dating of central paratethyan deposits with SIS (Sr-Isotope Stratigraphy) Less, György; Frijia, Gianluca; David, A.; Dulai, Alfred; Filipescu, Sorin; Gaal, L.; Holcova, Katarina; Mandic, Oleg; Sztanó, Orsolya In: Neogene of the Paratethyan Region: 6th Workshop on the Neogene of Central and South-Eastern Europe an RCMNS Interim Colloquium: 31 May - 3 June 2015, Orfü, Hungary: Programme, Abstracts and Field Trip Guidebook
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15700,40.1 Miocene Syn-Rift Evolution of the North Croatian Basin (Carpathian-Pannonian Region): 2. Initial Central Paratethys Flooding and Mt. Požeška Gora Case Record Brlek, Mihovil; Holcova, Katarina; Kuiper, Klaudia; Schaltegger, Urs; Belak, Mirko; Kopecka, Jitka; Kutterolf, Steffen; Hajek-Tadesse, Valentina; Brcic, Vlatko; Bakrac, Koraljka; Mišur, Ivan; Milosevic, Monika; Ćorić, Stjepan In: 6. Hrvatski geoloski kongres s medunarodnim sudjelovanjem 09.-12. 10. 2019, Zagreb: Knjiga sazetaka
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16054,40-Per.2017 A proposal for a new ICDP task in Europe: The 'MICLIME' project Reichenbacher, B.; Grunert, Patrick; Harzhauser, Mathias; Hinderer, M.; Holcova, Katarina; Kempf, Oliver; Kovac, M.; Krijgsman, W.; Mandic, Oleg; Matys Grygar, T.; Nehyba, S.; Orsi, W.; Piller, Werner; Sachsenhofer, Reinhard F.; Schlunegger, F.; Sharman, G. R.; Stockli, D. In: IODP/ICDP Kolloquium 2017: IGeo, Technische Universität Braunschweig 14. - 16. März 2017
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Holcova, Katarina', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 8