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CO₂-SO₂-H₂O fluid inclusions in peridotite xenoliths from Jeju Island (South Korea)
Kaldos, Reka; Berkesi, Marta; Hidas, Károly; Yang, Kyounghee; Szabó, Csaba
In: 21st Biennial Conference - European Current Research On Fluid Inclusions: ECROFI XXI: 9 - 11 August 2011 Leoben Austria: Abstracts
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Deformation and fluid-enhanced annealing in subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the Pannonian Basin (Styrian Basin, Eastern Austria)
Aradi, Laszlo Elod; Hidas, Károly; Kovács, István János; Szabó, Csaba
In: 15th Meeting of the Central European Tectonic Studies Group (CETeG) 5-8th April, 2017 Zanka, Lake Balaton: Abstract Book, Pre- and Post-conference field trip guide book
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Fluid-Enhanced Annealing in the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle Beneath the Westernmost Margin of the Carpathian-Pannonian Extensional Basin System
Aradi, Laszlo Elod; Hidas, Károly; Kovács, István János; Tommasi, A.; Klebesz, Rita; Garrido, Carlos J.; Szabó, C.
In: Tectonics ; 36
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Melt localization and its relation to deformation in the subcontinental mantle: a case study from layered dunite-harzburgite-lherzolite bodies of the Ronda peridotite massif, Spain
Hidas, Károly; Garrido, Carlos J.; Bodinier, Jean-Louis; Tommasi, Andrea; Booth-Rea, Guillermo; Gervilla, Fernando; Marchesi, Claudio
In: GRA - Volume 12
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Deformation study on alkaline basalt hosted upper mantle xenoliths from SE Iberian Volcanic Province (Spain)
Konc, Zoltán; Garrido, Carlos J.; Tommasi, Andrea; Hidas, Károly; Szabó, Csaba; Marchesi, Claudio
In: GRA - Volume 12
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Petrologic and geochemical study on Paleozoic lamprophyre hosted upper mantle xenoliths and their sulfide inclusions from Tuva (South Siberia, Russia)
Konc, Zoltán; Hidas, Károly; Sharygin, Victor V.; Szabó, Csaba; Garrido, Carlos J.
In: GRA - Volume 12
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Garnet Lherzolite and Garnet-spinel mylonite in the Ronda Peridotite: Vestiges of Oligocene Back-arc mantle lithospheric extension in the Western Mediterranean
Garrido, Carlos J.; Gueydan, Frédéric; Booth-Rea, Guillermo; Précigout, Jacques; Hidas, Károly; Padrón-Navarta, José Alberto; Marchesi, Claudio
In: GRA - Volume 13
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A Late Oligocene supra-subduction setting for the Westernmost Mediterranean revealed by andesite-derived mantle pyroxenite in the Ronda peridotite (S Spain)
Marchesi, Claudio; Garrido, Carlos J.; Bosch, Delphine; Bodinier, Jean-Louis; Hidas, Károly; Padrón-Navarta, José A.; Gervilla, Fernando
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Folding and shearing of the lithospheric mantle prior to Ronda peridotite intracrustal emplacement
Hidas, Károly; Booth-Rea, Guillermo; Garrido, Carlos J.; Martínez-Martínez, Jose Miguel
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Magma migration and channeling during melting of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle: layered dunite-harzburgite-lherzolite bodies below the recrystallization front of the Ronda peridotite massif, southern Spain
Hidas, Károly; Garrido, Carlos J.; Booth-Rea, Guillermo; Gervilla, Fernando; Bodinier, Jean-Louis; Tommasi, Andrea; Marchesi, Claudio
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Deformation Record of Upper Mantle Peridotite Xenoliths from SE Iberian Volcanic Province (Spain)
Konc, Zoltán; Garrido, Carlos J.; Tommasi, Andrea; Hidas, Károly; Marchesi, Claudio; Szabó, Csaba
In: GRA - Volume 13
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Re-evaluating the concentration of water in olivines from the shallow upper mantle with a uniform FTIR protocol and a unique international spectral database: PULI
Kovács, István; Udvardi, Beatrix; Hidas, Károly; Kutassy, Lászlóné; Lendvay, Pál; Falus, György; Szabó, Csaba
In: GRA - Volume 13
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New insights into the origin of the subduction component in Late Oligocene magmatism in the Ronda peridotite (southern Spain): geodynamic implications for the western Mediterranean
Varas-Reus, María Isabel; Garrido, Carlos J.; Marchesi, Claudio; Bosch, Delphine; Hidas, Károly; Acosta-Vigil, Antonio
In: GRA - Volume 15
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Crystal preferred orientations of upper mantle peridotite xenoliths from the Nógrád Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
Liptai, Nóra; Patkó, Levente; Kovács, István János; Falus, György; Hidas, Károly; Szabó, Csaba; Vaselli, Orlando; Barou, Fabrice; Tommasi, Andrea
In: GRA - Volume 15
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Backarc basin inversion and subcontinental mantle emplacement in the crust: kilometre-scale folding and shearing at the base of the proto-Alborán lithospheric mantle (Betic Cordillera, southern Spain)
Hidas, Károly; Garrido, Carlos J.; Booth-Rea, Guillermo; Martínez-Martínez, José M.; Konc, Zotán; Frets, Erwin; Marchesi, Claudio
In: GRA - Volume 15
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Subduction initiation and recycling of Alboran domain derived crustal components prior to the intra-crustal emplacement of mantle peridotites in the Westernmost Mediterranean: isotopic evidence from the Ronda peridotite
Varas-Reus, María Isabel; Garrido, Carlos J.; Bosch, Delphine; Marchesi, Claudio; Acosta-Vigil, Antonio; Hidas, Károly; Barich, Amel
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Hyperextension of continental lithospheric mantle to oceanic-like lithosphere: the record of late gabbros in the Ronda subcontinental lithospheric mantle section (Betic Cordillera, S-Spain)
Hidas, Károly; Garrido, Carlos; Targuisti, Kamal; Padrón-Navarta, José Alberto; Tommasi, Andrea; Marchesi, Claudio; Konc, Zoltán; Varas-Reus, María Isabel; Acosta Vigil, Antonio
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Strain localization in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle during the final exhumation of the Ronda Peridotite (Betic Cordillera, S-Spain)
Hidas, Károly; Tommasi, Andrea; Garrido, Carlos; Padrón-Navarta, José Alberto; Marchesi, Claudio
In: GRA - Volume 16
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A Protocol, a standard and a (PULI) database for quantitative micro-FTIR measurements of water in nominally anhydrous minerals: an update
Kovács, István; Udvardi, Beatrix; Pintér, Zsanett; Hidas, Károly; Kutassy, Lászlóné; Falus, György; Lendvay, Pál; Török, István; Zelei, Tamás; Fancsik, Tamás; Gál, Tamás; Mihály, Judith; Németh, Csaba; Ingrin, Jannick; Xia, Qunke; Hermann, Jörg; Stalder, Roland; Perucchi, Andrea; Kamarás, Katalin; Szekrényes, Zsolt
In: GRA - Volume 16
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Strain field evolution during creep on ice. Impact of dynamic recrystallization mechanisms.
Chauve, Thomas; Montagnat, Maurine; Barou, Fabrice; Hidas, Károly; Tommasi, Andrea; Vacher, Pierre
In: GRA - Volume 17