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1 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   SE 14701-A
Improving the Efficiency of District Heating and Cooling Using a Geothermal Technology: Underground Thermal Energy Storage (UTES)
Chicco, Jessica Maria; Antonijevic, Dragi; Bloemendal, Martin; Cecinato, Francesco; Goetzl, Gregor; Hajto, Marek; Hartog, Niels; Mandrone, Giuseppe; Vacha, Damiano; Vardon, Philip J.
In: New Metropolitan Perspectives: Post COVID Dynamics: Green and Digital Transition, between Metropolitan and Return to Villages Perspectives
2 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   SE 14785-A
Strategies for Fostering the Use of Shallow Geothermal Energy for Heating and Cooling in Central Europe - Results from the Interreg Central Europe Project GeoPLASMA-CE
Goetzl, Gregor; Dilger, Gregor; Grimm, Ruediger; Hofmann, Karina; Holeček, Jan; Cernak, Radovan; Janza, Mitja; Kozdroj, Wieslaw; Klonowski, Maciej R.; Hajto, Marek; Gabriel, Paul; Gregorin, Špela
In: Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress 2020+1