Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Hajdas, I.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 8
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P.S.1255,40.20.1 Bergstürze in den Lienzer Dolomiten vom Würm-Spätglazial bis in das jüngste Holozän Reitner, Jürgen M.; Ivy-Ochs, Susan; Hajdas, I.; Lattner, Daniela In: PANGEO Austria 14-19/09 2014 Graz: 100 Jahre nach Eduard Suess: Beitragskurzfassungen
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15897,40-Per.2016 Reconsidering alpine Lateglacial stratigraphy: Implications of the Lienz area record (Tyrol/Austria) Reitner, Jürgen M.; Ivy-Ochs, Susan; Drescher-Schneider, Ruth; Hajdas, I.; Linner, Manfred In: Annual Report 2016 Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics
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Lake level reconstruction of Lake Sils, Engadine: Radiocarbon dating and dendrochronology of tree trunks Vattioni, Sandro; Hajdas, I.; Strasser, Michael; Grischott, Reto; Sormaz, T. In: Annual Report 2015 Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics
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Climate control on alpine hillslope erosion: Using ¹⁰Be in lake cores to reconstruct Holocene denudation rates Grischott, Reto; Kober, Florian; Lupker, Maarten; Reitner, Jürgen M.; Drescher-Schneider, Ruth; Hajdas, I.; Christl, M.; Willett, Sean In: Annual Report 2015 Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics
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Frost cracking as driver of Holocene erosion: High resolution denudation rates from sediment cores of alluvial fans Grischott, Reto; Kober, Florian; Lupker, Maarten; Hippe, Kristina; Ivy-Ochs, Susan; Hajdas, I.; Salcher, Bernhard; Christl, M. In: Annual Report 2015 Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics
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Origins of prehistoric alpine animal husbandry: Recent discoveries in the Silvretta range (Switzerland/Austria) Reitmaier, Thomas; Hajdas, I. In: Annual Report 2014 Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics
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YD age for the unique Stappitz lake archive (A): Age dating of sediment from a former sparsely vegetated environment Grischott, Reto; Kober, Florian; Reitner, Jürgen; Hajdas, I.; Ivy-Ochs, Susan; Willett, Sean In: Annual Report 2014 Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics
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15897,40-Per.2020 Receding glaciers - emerging trees: Radiocarbon dating of fossil wood found at Morteratsch Schlüchter, C.; Godly, G. A.; Bollhalder, S.; Guidobaldi, Giulia; Hajdas, I.; Wacker, L.; Wyss, K.; Nicolussi, Kurt In: Annual Report 2020 Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Hajdas, I.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 8