Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Hók, Jozef', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 19
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P.S.1124,40.13 DONOVALY 2001: Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the Czech Tectonic Studies Group, Donovaly - Nizke Tatry, May 3-6, 2001 Janočko, Juraj; Hók, Jozef In: GeoLines
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A 09620-RA/102/1992 Bericht 1992 über die geologischen Kartierungen auf dem Kartenblatt 102 Aflenz Kurort Hók, Jozef |
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A 08113-RA/102/1991 Bericht 1991 über die geologischen Kartierungen auf dem Kartenblatt 102 Aflenz Kurort Hók, Jozef |
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46068,80 Vysvetlivky k neotektonickej mape Slovenska 1:500 000 Halouzka, Rudolf; Maglay, Juraj; Banacky, Vladimir; Pristaš, Ján; Janočko, Juraj; Hók, Jozef |
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10022,40 Alpine evolution of the Western Carpathians and related areas: International conference held on the occasion of Centennial of Dimitrij Andrusov: Abstracts, Introductory articles to the excursion, List of participants Plašienka, Dušan; Hók, Jozef; Vozár, Jozef; Elečko, Michal |
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12551,40-Per.45 Nitra Nagy, Alexander; Maglay, Juraj; Fordinál, Klement; Konečný, Vlastimil; Hók, Jozef In: Prehladna geologicka mapa Slovenskej Republiky 1:200.000
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12551,40-Per.26 Zilina Polák, Milan; Potfaj, Michal; Filo, Ivan; Broska, Igor; Kohút, Milan; Mello, Ján; Bezák, Vladimir; Tetak, Frantisek; Gross, Pavel; Biely, Anton; Rakus, Milos; Hók, Jozef; Vozár, Jozef; Nagy, Alexander; Maglay, Juraj In: Prehladna geologicka mapa Slovenskej Republiky 1:200.000
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12551,40-Per.36 Banská Bystrica Bezák, Vladimir; Polák, Milan; Konečný, Vlastimil; Biely, Anton; Elečko, Michal; Filo, Ivan; Hók, Jozef; Hraško, Ľubomir; Kohút, Milan; Lexa, Jaroslav; Madarás, Ján; Maglay, Juraj; Mello, Ján; Olšavský, Mário; Pristaš, Ján; Siman, Pavol; Šimon, Ladislav; Vass, Dionýz; Vozár, Jozef In: Prehladna geologicka mapa Slovenskej Republiky 1:200.000
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P.S.129,80.142 Tectonic Map Pistotnik, Julian; Elečko, Michal; Vass, Dionýz; Hók, Jozef; Vozár, Jozef; Nagy, Alexander; Sefara, Jan; Dudko, Antonyina In: Danube Region Environmental Geology Programme DANREG: Explanatory Notes
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P.S.129,80.136 Bericht 1992 über geologische Aufnahmen im Kristallin und in der Grauwackenzone auf Blatt 102 Aflenz Hók, Jozef In: Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt ; 136.3
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P.S.129,80.135 Bericht 1991 über geologische Aufnahmen im Südostteil auf Blatt 102 Aflenz Hók, Jozef In: Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt ; 135.3
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P.S.1830,80.110 Turonian-Santonian sediments in the Tatricum of the Povazsky Inovec Mts. (Internal Western Carpathians, Slovakia) Pelech, Ondrej; Hók, Jozef; Jozsa, Stefan In: Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences ; 110.1
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15471,40 The Alpine - Carpathians junction from the bottom to the top - geophysical and tectonic view Samajova, Lenka; Hók, Jozef In: Stratigraphy, geodynamic development and paleogeography of the Vienna Basin: Workshop of the OeAD Project SK 09/2018, 22-23 Nov 2018, Vienna (Austria): Program and abstracts
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15471,40 Quaternary tectono-sedimentary evolution of a low slip-rate seismogenic zone: Geochronology and sedimentology of the Dobra Voda area (Male Karpaty Mts.) Šujan, Michal; Braucher, Régis; Sujan, Martin; Hók, Jozef; Sipka, Frantisek; Povinec, Pavel; Team Aster In: Stratigraphy, geodynamic development and paleogeography of the Vienna Basin: Workshop of the OeAD Project SK 09/2018, 22-23 Nov 2018, Vienna (Austria): Program and abstracts
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P.S.1728,80.51.1 Outline of the geology of Slovakia (W. Carpathians) Hók, Jozef; Pelech, Ondrej; Tetak, Frantisek; Németh, Zoltán; Nagy, Alexander In: Mineralia slovaca ; 51.1
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15574,40.2 Geodynamic classification of the Lower and Middle Miocene coarse-grained sediments in Vienna Basin and Blatné depression (Danube Basin) Csibri, Tamas; Kovac, Michal; Hók, Jozef In: CETEG 2019: 17th Meeting of the Central European Tectonic Groups: Rozdrojovice, 24-27 April, 2019: Abstract Volume
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P.S.1436,40.11.1 Late Badenian to Quaternary palaeostress evolution of the northeastern part of the Danube Basin and the southwestern slope of the Stiavnica Stratovolcano (Slovakia) Vojtko, Rastislav; Kluciar, Tomas; Králiková, Silvia; Hók, Jozef; Pelech, Ondrej In: AGEOS: Acta Geologica Slovaca ; 11.1
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SE 12533-A Neogene palaeogeography and basin evolution of the Western Carpathians, Northern Pannonian domain and adjoining areas Kovac, Michal; Márton, Emő; Oszczypko, Nestor; Vojtko, Rastislav; Hók, Jozef; Králiková, Silvia; Plašienka, Dušan; Kluciar, Tomas; Hudáčková, Natália; Oszczypko-Clowes, Marta In: Global and Planetary Change ; 155
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P.S.839,80.111 Geological significance of Upper Cretaceous sediments in deciphering of the Alpine tectonic evolution at the contact of the Western Carpathians, Eastern Alps and Bohemian Massif Hók, Jozef; Schuster, Ralf; Pelech, Ondrej; Vojtko, Rastislav; Samajova, Lenka In: International Journal of Earth Sciences ; 111.1-4
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Hók, Jozef', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 19