Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Händel, Marc', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 21
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P.S.932,40.198 Loess deposits and the conservation of the archaeological record - The Krems-Wachtberg example Händel, Marc; Simon, Ulrich; Einwögerer, Thomas; Neugebauer-Maresch, Christine In: Quaternary international ; 198
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P.S.79,40.72 Different Excavation Techniques and their Stratigraphic Results: A Comparison of the Excavations at Krems-Hundssteig 2000 - 2002 and Krems-Wachtberg 2005 Händel, Marc In: New Aspects of the Central and Eastern European Upper Palaeolithic - methods, chronology, technology and subsistence: Symposium by the Prehistoric Commission of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna, November 9-11, 2005
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P.S.2609,80.55 Die Fortsetzung der Ausgrabungen an der Gravettienfundstelle Krems-Wachtberg 2006 Einwögerer, Thomas; Händel, Marc; Simon, Ulrich In: Das Waldviertel ; 55
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P.S.429,40.52 Interdisziplinäre Forschungsansätze und Geländeuntersuchungen an der jungpaläolithischen Fundstelle Krems-Wachtberg, Österreich Simon, Ulrich; Händel, Marc In: PANGEO AUSTRIA 2010: Geowissenschaften - Grundlagen und Anwendung: Leoben 15.09.2010 - 19.09.2010: Abstract Volume
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P.S.932,40.351 The archaeological record of the Gravettian open air site Krems-Wachtberg Simon, Ulrich; Händel, Marc; Einwögerer, Thomas; Neugebauer-Maresch, Christine In: Loess and the record of Upper Palaeolithic cultures in the Danube Basin
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P.S.932,40.351 Krems-Wachtberg excavations 2005-12: Main profiles, sampling, stratigraphy, and site formation Händel, Marc; Einwögerer, Thomas; Simon, Ulrich; Neugebauer-Maresch, Christine In: Loess and the record of Upper Palaeolithic cultures in the Danube Basin
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P.S.932,40.351 Upper Palaeolithic occupation in the Wachtberg area of Krems: The evidence of surveys, sections and core samples Einwögerer, Thomas; Händel, Marc; Simon, Ulrich; Masur, Anja; Neugebauer-Maresch, Christine In: Loess and the record of Upper Palaeolithic cultures in the Danube Basin
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P.S.932,40.351 Our oldest children: Age constraints for the Krems-Wachtberg site obtained from various thermoluminescence dating approaches Zöller, Ludwig; Richter, Daniel; Blanchard, H.; Einwögerer, Thomas; Händel, Marc; Neugebauer-Maresch, Christine In: Loess and the record of Upper Palaeolithic cultures in the Danube Basin
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P.S.932,40.351 Hearth-side bone assemblages within the 27 ka BP Krems-Wachtberg settlement: Fired ribs and the mammoth bone-grease hypothesis Fladerer, Florian A.; Salcher-Jedrasiak, Tina A.; Händel, Marc In: Loess and the record of Upper Palaeolithic cultures in the Danube Basin
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P.S.932,40.372 Loess magnetic fabric of the Krems-Wachtberg archaeological site Zeeden, Christian; Hambach, Ulrich; Händel, Marc In: Loess and Dust: Contributions in honour of Ian Smalley
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P.S.932,40.464.B The MIS 3/2 transition in a new loess profile at Krems-Wachtberg East - A multi-methodological approach Meyer-Heintze, Simon; Sprafke, Tobias; Schulte, Philipp; Terhorst, Birgit; Lomax, Johanna; Fuchs, Markus; Lehmkuhl, Frank; Neugebauer-Maresch, Christine; Einwögerer, Thomas; Händel, Marc; Simon, Ulrich; Solis Castillo, Berenice In: Quaternary International ; 464.B
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7741,40-Per.132 Hunting horse at the Danube – A Late Pleistocene cannon bone with cut-marks from Vienna-Nussdorf and its (re)discovery Schmitsberger, Oliver; Fladerer, Florian A.; Händel, Marc; Saliari, Konstantina; Göhlich, Ursula; Hopkins, Rachel; Forstenpointner, Gerhard; Davies, William; Neugebauer-Maresch, Christine In: Festschrift Univ. Prof. Dr. Gernot Rabeder zum 80. Geburtstag
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P.S.1183,40.248 Paleoenvironments from robust loess stratigraphy using high-resolution color and grain-size data of the last glacial Krems-Wachtberg record (NE Austria) Sprafke, Tobias; Schulte, Philipp; Meyer-Heintze, Simon; Händel, Marc; Einwögerer, Thomas; Simon, Ulrich; Peticzka, Robert; Schäfer, Christian; Lehmkuhl, Frank; Terhorst, Birgit In: Quaternary Science Reviews ; 248
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P.S.932,40.582/582 Break vs. continuity: Techno-cultural changes across the LGM in the Eastern Carpathians Anghelinu, Mircea; Niţă, Loredana; Veres, Daniel; Hambach, Ulrich; Händel, Marc; Cordos, Cristina; Ilie, Maria; Muratoreanu, George In: The Last Glacial Maximum in Europe - State of the Art in Geoscience and Archaeology
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P.S.932,40.587/588 Kammern-Grubgraben revisited - First results from renewed investigations at a well-known LGM site in east Austria Händel, Marc; Simon, Ulrich; Maier, Andreas; Brandl, Michael; Groza-Sacaciu, Stefana Madalina; Timar-Gabor, Alida; Einwögerer, Thomas In: The 3rd Conference World of Gravettian Hunters
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9489,40-Per.36.2 Using archaeological data and sediment parameters to review the formation of the Gravettian layers at Krems-Wachtberg Händel, Marc; Thomas, Roswitha; Sprafke, Tobias; Schulte, Philipp; Brandl, Michael; Simon, Ulrich; Einwögerer, Thomas In: Journal of Quaternary Science ; 36.5-8
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SE 14634-A Evaluation of geochemical proxies and radiocarbon data from a loess record of the Upper Palaeolithic site Kammern-Grubgraben, Lower Austria Reiss, Lilian; Stüwe, Christian; Einwögerer, Thomas; Händel, Marc; Maier, Andreas; Meng, Stefan; Pasda, Kerstin; Simon, Ulrich; Zolitschka, Bernd; Mayr, Christoph In: Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart ; 71
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SE 14828-A The stratigraphy of the Gravettian sites at Krems Händel, Marc In: Quartär ; 64
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9489,40-Per.38.8 Changing food webs before and during the Last Glacial Maximum based on stable isotopes of animal bone collagen from Lower Austria Reiss, Lilian; Mayr, Christoph; Pasda, Kerstin; Einwögerer, Thomas; Händel, Marc; Lücke, Andreas; Maier, Andreas; Wissel, Holger In: Journal of Quaternary Science ; 38.8
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9489,40-Per.39.4 Seasonal climate variations during Marine Isotope Stages 3 and 2 inferred from high‐resolution oxygen isotope ratios in horse tooth enamel from Lower Austria Reiss, Lilian; Mayr, Christoph; Pasda, Kerstin; Joachimski, Michael M.; Einwögerer, Thomas; Händel, Marc; Maier, Andreas In: Journal of Quaternary Science ; 39.4
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Händel, Marc', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 21