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1 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   P.S.1835,80.314
Geophysical Investigations of the Trans-European Suture Zone
Thybo, H.; Pharaoh, T.; Guterch, A.
In: Tectonophysics
2 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   13144,40
Crustal structure of the Eastern Alps and their foreland: Seismic model beneath the CEL10/ALP04 profile and tectonic implications
Grad, M.; Brückl, E.; Majdanski, M.; Behm, M.; Guterch, A.; CELEBRATION 2000 Working Group; ALP 2002 Working Group
In: Geophysical Journal International ; 2009
3 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   P.S.1064,40.29.1
Crustal structure and active tectonics in the Eastern Alps
Brückl, Ewald; Behm, Michael; Decker, Kurt; Grad, Marek; Guterch, A.; Keller, G. R.; Thybo, H.
In: Tectonics ; 29.1-4
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Crustal blocks in the Variscan and Carpathian foreland area of southern Poland - results of the CELEBRATION 2000 seismic experiment
Narkiewicz, M.; Grad, M.; Guterch, A.; Janik, T.
In: GRA - Volume 11
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Velocity model of the crust and upper mantle along the profile PANCAKE from Pannonian basin across Carpathians towards the cratonic Europe
Starostenko, V.; Czuba, W.; Grad, M.; Gintov, O.; Gryn, D.; Guterch, A.; Hegedüs, E.; Janik, T.; Kolomiyets, K.; Komminaho, K.; Kutas, R.; Legostaeva, O.; Lysynchuk, D.; Omelchenko, V.; Sroda, P.; Stephenson, R.; Thybo, H.; Tiira, T.; Tolkunov, A.
In: GRA - Volume 14
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POLCRUST - a deep reflection seismic profile across the Trans-European Suture Zone in SE Poland
Guterch, A.; Malinowski, M.; Maksym, A.; Probulski, J.; Majdanski, M.; Narkiewicz, M.; Czuba, W.; Gaczyński, E.; Grad, M.; Janik, T.; Jankowski, L.; Sroda, P.
In: GRA - Volume 14