Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Grauch, V. J. S.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 8
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P.S.263,40.1761 Geophysical Interpretations of the Southern Espanola Basin, New Mexico, That Contribute to Understanding Its Hydrogeologic Framework Grauch, V. J. S.; Phillips, Jeffrey D.; Koning, Daniel J.; Johnson, Peggy S.; Bankey, Viki; New Mexico / Office of the State Engineer In: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper
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P.S.263,40.1720 The Cerrillos Uplift, the La Bajada Constriction, and Hydrogeologic Framework of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico Minor, Scott A.; Sawyer, David A.; Grauch, V. J. S.; Rodriguez, Brian D.; Thompson, Ren A.; Dethier, David P.; Hudson, Mark R.; Deszcz-Pan, Maria In: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper
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P.S.263,40.1608 Geophysical Framework of the Southwestern Nevada Volcanic Field and Hydrogeologic Implications Grauch, V. J. S.; Sawyer, David A.; Fridrich, Christopher J.; Hudson, Mark R. In: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper
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P.S.2050,80.86.268 VARMAG: a FORTRAN program to implement the variable-magnetization terrain-correction method for aeromagnetic data Grauch, V. J. S. In: United States Geological Survey (USGS) Open-file Report
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M 1250-E Correcting aeromagnetic data for magnetic terrain effects, with an example from the Lake City Caldera area, Colorado Grauch, V. J. S. |
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P.S.1069,80.494 New Perspectives on Rio Grande Rift Basins: From Tectonics to Groundwater Hudson, Mark R.; Grauch, V. J. S. In: Geological Society of America Special Paper
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K I 1474.1818 Interpretive aeromagnetic map of the Eagle Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Riverside County, California 1:62.500 Grauch, V. J. S. In: Miscellaneous field studies map
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K I 1222.974 Interpretive aeromagnetic map using the horizontal gradient: Lake City Caldera Area, San Juan Mountains, Colorado Grauch, V. J. S. In: Geophysical investigation map
Sie haben gesucht nach VerfasserIn: 'Grauch, V. J. S.', in der Datenbank: Bibliothekskatalog. Anzahl der Treffer: 8