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Titel PROBA-V , A Satellite for the Continuity of the SPOT/VEGETATION Mission
VerfasserIn Philippe Maisongrande, Joost Vandenabeele, Jean-Paul Malingreau, Agustin Lobo, Pierre de Fourny, Eric Gonthier, Karim Mellab, Richard Kleihorst
Konferenz EGU General Assembly 2010
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
Digitales Dokument PDF
Erschienen In: GRA - Volume 12 (2010)
Datensatznummer 250044224
Since 1998, the SPOT/VEGETATION operational Mission has offered to the international community of its users a complete global coverage of the continental surfaces at the kilometric resolution in the blue, red, Near and Short Wave Infrared Channels on a daily basis. For more than 12 years, a very efficient delivery service and a high quality data set has been insured in term of calibration, clouds screening, atmospheric correction and directional normalisation of acquiered radiances. The constant attention paid to the quality of the 2 successive sensors VGT1 and VGT2 respectively launched onboard SPOT4 and SPOT5 has made possible the construction of a unique consistant 12 year data set devoted to the monitoring of the land surface vegetation. Early 2012, the PROBA-V (Vegetation) Mission will be launched in order to insure the continuity of VGT operational services. Spearheaded by ESA and CNES, PROBA-V consists in a smaller version of the VGT 1 &2 optical instruments with a multispectral spectrometer including the same spectral bands as its predecessors and a quasi equivalent large swath (around 2250 km) to guarantee the same daily global coverage. After a presentation of the VEGETATON mission, its operational services, and its applications in relationship with the water cycle (snow, evapotranspiration, Water Stress...), we introduce ProbaV and show how it will insure the continuity of the current 12year VGT service and archive while it will also fill the gap towards the ESA Sentinel 3 mission.