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1 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   P.S.932,40.227.2
Shallow sub-surface stratigraphy of the Ganga Basin, India: Approaches and implications for fluvial processes, climate change and active tectonics in the late Quaternary: Dedicated to Arthur Geddes
Sinha, Rajiv; Tandon, Sampat K.; Gibling, M. R.
In: Quaternary International
2 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   P.S.1929,80.106
The Euramerican Coal Province: Controls on tropical peat accumulation in the Palaeozoic
Calder, J. H.; Gibling, M. R.
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
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Lower Palaeozoic Alluvial Systems: The Sedimentological Impact of Evolving Vegetation in Terrestrial Environments
Davies, N. S.; Gibling, M. R.
In: GRA - Volume 11
4 Hier klicken, um den Treffer aus der Auswahl zu entfernen   Volltext-Dokument vorhanden
Deep Time Ecosystem Engineers: The Correlation between Palaeozoic Vegetation, Evolution of Physical Riverine Habitats, and Plant and Animal Terrestrialization
Davies, N. S.; Gibling, M. R.
In: GRA - Volume 14