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Geoarchaeology of the karstic area of Mirambello, North-East Crete (Greece): palaeoenvironmental investigations and human settlement implications
Ghilardi, M.; Kunesch, S.; Robert, V.; Farnoux, A.; Wurmser, H
In: GRA - Volume 11
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Geoarchaeology of Ancient Karnak’s harbour (Upper Egypt) : preliminary results derived from sedimentological analyses
Ghilardi, M.
In: GRA - Volume 11
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The Late Glacial/Holocene transition and its consequences on coastal environment in northwestern Greece (Epirus) : geoarchaeological and palaeogeographical prospects
Chabrol, A.; Fouache, E.; Le Coeur, C.; Ghilardi, M.
In: GRA - Volume 11
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Geoarchaeology of Ancient Avlida (Boeotia, Central Greece): a long-term connectivity between human occupation and landscape changes
Ghilardi, M.; Colleu, M.; Fachard, S.; Psomiadis, D.; Demory, F.; Delanghe-Sabatier, D.; Triantaphyllou, M.; Pavlopoulos, K.; Bicket, A.
In: GRA - Volume 14
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New insights for the Late Pleistocene to Mid Holocene landscape reconstruction in the Western part of the Thessaloniki Plain (Greece): evidence for an abrupt transition and consequences on the settling history
Psomiadis, D.; Ghilardi, M.; Demory, F.; Delanghe-Sabatier, D.
In: GRA - Volume 14
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Palaeoenvironmental investigations in the vicinity of Ancient Phaistos (Crete, Greece): preliminray results
Ghilardi, M.; Psomiadis, D.; Longo, F.; Amato, V.; Demory, F.; Delanghe-Sabatier, D.; Colleu, M.; Sinibaldi, L.; Carayon, N.
In: GRA - Volume 14
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Finding the lost arches of the Medieval Avignon's Bridge (Avignon, Provence, South France): a geoarchaeological approach
Ghilardi, M.; Vella, M. A.; Hermitte, D.; Parisot, J. C.; Dussouillez, P.; Fleury, T. J.; Provansal, M.; Delanghe-Sabatier, D.; Demory, F.; Mathé, P. E.; Quesnel, Y.; Danos, S.; Balossino, S.; Delpey, Y.; Hartmann-Virnich, A.; Berthelot, M.
In: GRA - Volume 14