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Mont Terri Project - Geochemistry of Water in the Opalinus Clay Formation at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory
Pearson, F. J.; Arcos, David; Bath, Adrian; Boisson, Jean-Yves; Fernandez Diaz, Ana Maria; Gäbler, Hans-Eike; Gaucher, Eric; Gautschi, Andreas; Griffault, Lise; Hernan, Pedro; Waber, Niklaus
In: Berichte des BWG: Serie Geologie
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Environmental baseline conditions for impact assessment of unconventional gas exploitation: the G-Baseline project
Kloppmann, Wolfram; Mayer, Berhard; Millot, Romain; Parker, Beth L.; Gaucher, Eric; Clarkson, Christopher R.; Cherry, John A.; Humez, Pauline; Cahill, Aaron
In: GRA - Volume 17
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Natural gas seeps in the French Alps: Sources and pathways
Kloppmann, Wolfram; Blessing, Michaela; Proust, Eric; Gal, Frédéric; Bentivegna, Gaetan; Henry, Benoit; Defossez, Pierrick; Lerouge, Catherine; Humez, Pauline; Mayer, Bernhard; Millot, Romain; Gaucher, Eric
In: GRA - Volume 18